Obsidian Studio Head says he would love to make a new Fallout game. "There’s not even a question of whether or not we would do it, it’s just ‘Will the opportunity arise ?’"

There absolutely would be expectations, you know, since they already made New Vegas that has all the systems and mod support BGS games do

I do wonder how would the community react if Obsidian announced New Vegas 2 on UE without mod support. Would be an interesting timeline.

It is a philosophical question in the end - does FO community want CE level of mod support or not. Does it same quirks in the game that made TES well known?

Oh I think we know exactly how they’d react

Games can never change, features can never change, no other form of Fallout is ever acceptable.

Come on, thats an absurd take. Yeah, would some people be bummed, sure. Set expectations up front. Legions of fans will be over the moon about getting a new Fallout game to begin with.

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That’s the thing - I am not sure. Would people care?

That’s not features changing, that’s games literally taking steps back because you want a game out quicker

Gamers get outraged about the dumbest trivial shit constantly, you think the community wouldn’t be insanely pissed if the second most modded game out there loses it’s mod support?

Thats just your opinion as someone that uses mods. As someone that doesnt, I wont even notice it missing. Take a guess at whether more people use mods or just play the base game.

A lot of modern FO identity is tied to Creation Engine.

I don’t think anything will surpass New Vegas, but I am not sure if Creation Engine is the important factor in New Vegas’ success. I think it was not.

Hope the modern UE open world won’t be sterile.

Good for you

and again, this isn’t just mods ffs, we are talking about the entire underlining systems of the game, we have no idea if UE is capable of that stuff

and if your opinion is well, who cares about that, just give us a Fallout game, we will just have to agree to disagree

The thing is that - I don’t know. I am not sure if Creation Engine quirks are the part of the FO identity. Certainly UE Fallout will kill mod community overnight, but would it matter? Hard to say.

We are talking about a spinoff game. You need to accept spinoff is different than Bethesda mainline game.

Well i’ll just say I disagree entirely, we have seen no other engine do what CE does, it’s the entire reason they’ve stuck with it for so long both in mods and the systems they have in place

If those get gutted, then you’ve got a Fallout game in name only

But this is going nowhere so im just gonna leave it at that

You mean like New Vegas?

To me this kinda corroborates what grubb said a while ago with regards to internal talks happening regarding Obsidian manning a new fallout. I imagine those “talks” paired with comments like this will turn into more substantive conversations internally once at the very least, avowed has shipped.

I posted an overly strong opinion on thinking any RPG focused spin off game would need Creation engine, because I personally love the Bethesda open world format and think it’s been a big part of the Fallout experience for me personally, but on further reflection I’d say eh, that’s not really correct. I’m fine if different developers make an RPG spin off with it’s own spin on the format in whatever engine is appropriate, even if Obsidian choose to do that. I personally love that universe and would honestly love to see a wide range of games in it. But I think if anyone wants to make a Bethesda style Fallout game, like New Vegas was for the most part, they’d need Creation Engine to really match that specific kind of experience. I think someone in here mentioned setting expectations properly, and that’s probably the right of it. I’ll be fine with whatever comes out, but if it looks like it emulates Bethesda’s style of games they should do it “right” or set expectations accordingly.

The spin-off game I really want is Brotherhood of Steel 2. X-Com type of games have become really successful of late and now is the perfect time to bring back Fallout Tactics.

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How a out a more survival oriented Fallout spin off from the Grounded team, haha.


Survival horror Dead Space style, trapped inside a vault.


I would totally be into that. Bethesda games touch on survival elements with gathering supplies, crafting and building camps but I’d love to see a full on survival game.

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Yeah, I suppose it’s already there to a degree just in a way that you could mostly ignore it without penalty.

I’m Honestly glad obsidian isnt just a fallout factory and I’m more excited for avowed at this point.

We’ll see though. If avowed does amazing you are more likely to see a sequel then the team to go and work on new vegas 2.

Also the fan base is really toxic about fallout that I’m afraid if they ever did it would it live up to expectations.