MS really needs to go in and restructure Mojang

So you think it’s a good idea for Minecraft players not have access to the spin-offs because…? How does this serve a MS customer any better?

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To me Minecraft is just too big and too important to so many people to make exclusives because you want Xbox to spite Sony and Nintendo.


Sub to game pass and play them anywhere that its available what a crazy concept. The same one that is mentioned to Playstation owners for the Zenimax games.

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You have to stop repeating this because this is assuming everyone giving criticism here is doing it in bad faith just because you think Minecraft is too big to leverage for xbox.

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Genuinely why do you want these Minecraft spinoff games locked then. And why do you care so much that Mojang isn’t prioritizing Xbox?

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the play anywhere feature has nothing to do with exclusivity… should have just said you want minecraft to have the play anywhere feature. :man_shrugging:t4:

I’ll just quote myself since there seem to be some confusion on what most of us are saying. How would any of this be a bad idea?


You are a list warrior Mort.

Ah yes, of course.

I think there is an important distinction:

Microsoft doesn’t “Need” to do anything. The way it is operating and the proliferation of the property is fine, as is, from a financial standpoint. If they felt that changing things would in someway net them more income, they would make those changes. Without having any insight into those internal discussions we can only assume that they feel like the path they are on is the most profitable one.

With that said:

It is entirely valid for xbox users who are fans of the property to feel like the marriage of MS and Mojang hasn’t netted them, as consumers of the Xbox ecosystem, much to write home about. Additionally, to Javy’s point, the few things they have dangled in front of Xbox Minecraft players have never come to fruition. I wouldn’t even argue that they necessarily need to prioritize xbox. Simply deliver what was shown.

I will also provide the caveat that I do not play or care about minecraft in any way.

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That’s not the vibe I’m getting at all from posters disagreeing with you. There’s no justifiable reason to oppose Play Anywhere nor is it similar to MS putting out an exclusive next-gen patch for Series consoles.

I haven’t played MC on PS consoles but I’m not sure if you actually have to log in on your XBL on that, I thought only Nintendo agreed to that? The idea MS can do anything they want and still operate on Sony’s and Nintendo’s platforms, though, that’s just not remotely true. Crossplay would’ve been activated on MC years ago if so.

The update shouldn’t have been cancelled but knowing MS, we’ll probably see something like that patch announced and actually delivered some day - if they’re smart, it’ll be a platform agnostic content update.

It would be an imposition by virtue of MS having to order Mojang to change the way they’re doing things.

If for whatever reason, Mojang decided they no longer wanted to support any platforms besides Xbox/PC, that’d be entirely on them, but what possible reason could Mojang possibly have to kneecap their franchise? What benefit lies in it?

There is no justification, financial or otherwise, to change course on MC the way you’re suggesting.

Lists wars and spite.

This is what it comes down to for most people that want this.

Like MS isn’t already pulling way ahead of the competition.

The clue is in the first line of your post.

Minecraft is bigger than Xbox.

Why do you think they didn’t make any of the moves suggested in this thread when MS acquired Mojang?

Obviously, because you don’t sacrifice the growth of a healthy billion dollar business to prop up one that’s declining (if not on life support).

Things are different now for Xbox, but that’s no longer relevant at this stage. Growth is all shareholders care about and look at how well Minecraft has done, how much it has grown and continues to - which ties into another point so many of you seem to completely miss:

Minecraft is not a generational franchise. It’s a franchise for generations.

MS has 0 incentive to alienate millions upon millions of prospective customers, including the ones that haven’t even been born yet, lol.

MC spinoffs should be about growing the MC IP, not selling more hardware units, which is becoming less important with each passing generation.

Hardware leads to higher spending which leads to people being more willing to sub for your exclusive content on game pass. Haddware will never be less important.

:joy: yeah thats what it is.

It already is less important.

Why do you think MS decided to go all in on supporting PC with their first party games? Why is Sony?

Why are major tech companies getting into the game with Cloud-based competitors?

Digital storefronts don’t require dedicated hardware. Hardware will always be the preference of core gamers, but we only make up a fraction of consumers and we will go where the games.

I said most people, if you count yourself among them, go ahead.

  1. Who would be alienated by any of the things I suggested?

  2. Do you think Xbox Game Pass is about hardware sales? Which part of ecosystem confuses you in my post?

  3. Why should Xbox not use its biggest IP more to promote Xbox Game Pass and the ecosystem entry points for said service?

I think you purposefully ignore most what I say and continue to build strawman arguments. I’m not sure of your agenda or what you are trying to do, but it is annoying af.


I agree with these other than spin-offs being exclusive. I think Minecraft is bigger than a single platform (even with Cloud) and should remain as such and that’s the philosophy MS has and will continue (under Booty’s leadership at least). Exclusivity of the MC IP would be alienating. The furthest I would go (and wouldn’t agree upon still) would be timed DLC exclusivity for stuff like MC Dungeons or whatever. But I hate timed exclusivity stuff.

Having it run best on Xbox and PC is a nice incentive that wouldn’t alienate other players as they still get the same core experience and access to the game / cross-play like everyone else. Being able to play at 120hz on Xbox or in HDR or RT or whatever is a value add but not a deal breaker by any means. Similar deal with Psychonauts 2.

Perks are nice even though they may not be necessary and maybe it’s something considered by MS but the conversion rate or whatever was deemed not worth it from a business perspective. Still, if it were offered it wouldn’t be alienating. Again, just an incentive.

With bonuses for Xbox users, promotion of MC with Xbox would be good and may convince some users to sign up for GP or buy a Series S or whatever.

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Even tho I dont agree with the premise that Minecraft is too big to keep on a single platform (we could apply some of this logic to Elder Scrolls for example), I appreciate that you did not resort to saying stuff like we are making list wars and fanboy comments and such to completely dismiss other opinions @rtansey. Cheers.

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I’m all for perks for Game Pass users.

I struggle with making the spin offs exclusives because I think it’ll have a negative affect on Minecraft, but see pros and cons.

I am against things like RT or high res textures being platform exclusive. Any customer should get a game that leverages their hardware.

First of all, thank you for a very normal reply. :slight_smile:

Having exclusive spin-offs is indeed the most “controversial” of my suggestions, but I really think it would only be positive for Xbox (Game Pass) in the end. Xbox consoles, Windows and Steam, Cloud. I don’t see how anyone would be alienated, even less so than an Xbox player being alienated by the PSVR version…:wink: Minecraft is indeed bigger than a single platform, that is why I never suggest it is pulled from existing ones but used to promote Xbox like every other first party studio does.

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I dont think main Minecraft will users will get allienated because they get all the support for the game but I see no reason as to why side games in totally different genre’s cant be leveraged to sell game pass and xbox hardware. Like Minecraft dungeon doesn’t have any educational aspects, its just diablo with a minecraft skin Thats it. The same logic used for Elder Scroll, Starfield and Fallout selling xbox consoles should apply here irrelevant of how big the main game is (which at this point will be supported on all available platforms to eternity.

But no, easier to just say we do nothing but argue in bad faith and are just doing list wars.