Movies and TV shows thread

Latest episode of Mandalorian jumped the shark. It’s JarJar level of shite. At least for the vast majority of the episode.


People are still watching that? I gave up after season 2…. and two episodes into Boba Fett

That’s a shame to hear. The two Mando episodes in Boba Fett were pretty good.

I haven’t started season 3 yet, but you would think the quality of Disney plus shows (star wars or marvel) would start getting better after Andor. I guess not.

We’ll see. I’m going on Sunday with my bro, his wife, their children and our stepmother and I expect to have a great time. The trailers looked great. Illumination has yet to let me down too.

Critics, schmitics :stuck_out_tongue:

Watch this have a very high audience score and way lower by these critics.

I don’t mind the formulaic nature of the show. It just feels like the side-quest content has taken a dive in quality or at least ha lower interest value.

A part of this is what seems to be the need for bridging the gap after Movie 6 (the original Luke Jedi Ewoks era) and before Movie 7 (Disney Era). It feels like they are forcing material into the show just to fill in the gap regardless of how well it fits in with what the audience wants out of The Mandalorian, action adventure without ties to the bad Movies 7, 8, 9.

They’re doing the same thing with The Bad Batch too.


I really wish you could add movies to the cart on the Xbox store.


Same; you quickly take it for granted until you bother to browse the movie/tv store during a sale :woozy_face:

The inconsistent elements of the Xbox UI could really use some love.


Lol, yeah. Whenever there is a big sale I snag anything that tickles my fancy that is a movies anywhere title and after about five purchases my bank/CC is like “IS THIS YOU?!”

I reckon I could just add money to my MS account before I buy, but these are kind of by the seat of my pants purchases.

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Just saw the Mario Bros movie. Fun movie, but it felt too short for me, at times a little rushed. Definitely could have done with a longer duration. And it’s hard to put my finger on it, but it’s missing something that keeps it from being great. A good movie though. But when it ended I was like…“that’s it?” definitely too short.

As for Mario’s voice…

In the early parts of the movie we hear a guy that clearly is Charles Martinet and he does the iconic voice. Still wish they had went for him, that IS Mario for me. It would have been a hell of a lot cheaper for them too.

Also, i wasn’t feeling the copyrighted music by actual artists and bands, felt very out of place. Wish they had kept the music 100% Mario themed.

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Succession just reached God tier for me with this latest episode. Insane. Goodluck to other shows competing against this at the Emmys lol.


Just watched and fucking hell. Episode came out of nowhere.


The show called Beef on Netflix, I gotta say I find it quite enjoyable.


About to see a lot of subscription services go belly up over the next couple of years lol.

Of all the horror classics Hellraiser was a franchise I had never really bothered with. Prime has several of them, so let’s go!

Watched the first two, it’s fun but I’m not seeing what makes these movies so brilliant personally. The acting at many times is downright bad, especially compared to other horror movies of that time. The effects at times still hold up, often really not and I would say The Thing looks a whole lot better in comparison.

But it’s enjoyable.

Any Hellraiser past the original 1987 release and Hellraiser II are generally not worth watching.

Hmm, I see. Well, I always need to see it for myself before I can judge. Not in the mood for gaming, so I’m gonna “torture” myself with 3 and maybe 4. :wink:

Some of the other ones have some good scenes and cool moments, but the quality goes downhill pretty fast. And I say that as an owner of this sick Hellraiser Box


Ah man, that’s a shame. That reminds me of Alien. I got the Quadrilogy box, but really only the first one and 2 are truly great. Alien 3 did have some good stuff but after that…

Definitely a cool box! Would even have been sicker if they had made the box like in the movies.

Alien 3 could have been special if they just let David Fincher be David Fincher.

Why The Alien 3 Production Was Such A Nightmare (

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Season 2 Episode 4 of YellowJackets got really weird for a bit but then was explained well enough within the situation of the characters. I wish parts of the story would develop faster. I hope the writers have a coherent plan and are not just winging it like Lost.