Movies and TV shows thread

I really didn’t like the cocktease method in episode 2, they kept cutting off before reveals of stuff, it felt like a binge episode. Also btw, did she really swim all that distance?

If by episode 3 it still feels like a binge episode, then I’ll wait for the whole season to finish. I have no patience like that anymore lol


I think the reason why they released 2 EPs at once was precisely because they were meant to set up the next 6. So, in my opinion, the rest of the episodes should be more… direct.

As for Galadriel swimming, remember: Elves don’t tire, so I wouldn’t be surprised :sweat_smile:.

Did anyone here watch American Horror Story, the series? Years ago I watched several seasons and Asylum by far was my favorite. The one with the circus was good too, god that murder clown. But then I stopped watching, I heard the later seasons were not too great.

I saw that Disney has a anthology of it called American Horror Stories, same creator. But jesus what is this shit? Horrible acting, some incredibly annoying people that they cast here and the only good thing is see them getting slaughtered really. In terms of overall quality compared to the show this is utter garbage.

I’ve started my 61 Days of Halloween movie marathon. I do my best to watch at least one horror movie a day through Halloween.

Luckily I’m a Windows Server Admin so I can throw them on an extra monitor while I work and get a bunch extra in.

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If you happen upon any good ones, do share! I’ve seen a ton but not every single one. :slight_smile:

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I just watched “Alligator” for the fist time on Shudder and loved it.

Alligator (1980) - IMDb


Decided to watch it too, and i agree man. Very, very fun and enjoyable. I’m a 80s baby and never heard of this. There’s something about (horror) movies from the 80s that (horror) movies in today’s day and age lack, the vibe and feel. One of my favourites will always be The Thing, love it so much.

As for Alligator

Surprised that they killed off the kid in the pool. Somehow I thought he was going to survive because usually it’s a taboo to kill of youngsters in movies. Thought it was also funny how the gator decided to crash the Slade party and then back to his home base.

At the end though Robert Forster’s character could have installed that bomb first and then lure the gator, haha.

Great recommendation, dude!


Why didn’t they use the ending credits theme of episode 2 of House of the Dragon as main theme? Don’t get me wrong, the GoT theme is fantastic, but something new would have been nicer I think, this one sounds fine for it. Ah well.

The first two eps are nice. Great acting especially, it’s clearly building up to bigger things.

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Grifters in shambles

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Yeah the intro was disappointing, same music and a purposeless sequence.

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Watched the first episode of Rings of Power. Visually very nice, but I’m not sure yet about the characters. It’s only the first hour of the whole show, but there aren’t any real stand out characters so far. Characters that I find very compelling. The actress that plays Galadriel, I don’t know, her acting seems a little…wooden? Maybe I need to warm up to her, but I don’t yet find her very likeable or anything.

Also how she defeated that snow troll no problem, like as if this was the easiest thing ever. In the movies we had strong characters, sure, but we also saw them having struggles and not always easily brushing through enemies as if it was nothing. But again, probably way too early to tell.

Tomorrow I’ll watch episode 2.


It’s like a prologue of the story as I’m told.

I assume you mean Galadriel, well, Galadriel is a thousand year old special elf, she’s literally like a angel on power scaling. Look at how op Legolas was and he’s nowhere near as special as Galadrield is supposed to be.

Episode 1 had too much going on for me, but I did enjoy episode 2 a lot.

We’ll I’m the odd one then, because everyone else also seems to think 2 was better but it’s otherwise for me.

We know they are doing 50 for long episodes guaranteed so I’m happy for them to take their time to build things up.

Of course, good point! I had to exit my GoT state of mind first, didn’t realize elves lived that long, haha.

I do have to say that while watching Rings of Power I am picturing a game with such environments, a RPG like that, damn! Well, who knows with what kind of locations Fable will come, or Avowed!

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I think Fable will easily scratch the itch for that kind of fantasy environments, you can see it in the trailer already.

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Hey, no problem! Im an 80’s baby too, this stuff is my wheelhouse. This one is going on my yearly rotation moving forward.

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Saw the first episode of The Sandman. That was very cool! I have a feeling I’m gonna enjoy this one.

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Absolutely love that show. One of the best things I’ve ever seen.

As a bonus for gamers - the second story in the 11th episode heavily features Melissanthi Mahut - who voiced Kassandra in Assassin’s Creed Odyssey and Athena in Immortals Fenyx Rising. There is so much amazing talent in this show just hiding all over the place - hope you continue to enjoy!

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