More details about PlayStation Spartacus tiers

Disney+ didn’t intend to compete with Netflix using 3rd party content or content preview.

Well, Netflix originally started with this until Netflix lost third party titles from its platform so it had to pivot to first party production. For Disney it was simple - just run Marvel + Star Wars + Pixar machine and that’s it.

They just added a $39.99 game Day 1 so I assume games like those are an option as well.

Which one?

Oh nevermind I thought you were talking about GamePass.

But to be fair, SW3 is a online co-op game, I’m talking about the premier Single Player indie games.

Netflix and Game Pass already established the model. Disney entered strong adapting to it, with their exclusive content ready, Sony still seems hesitant to adapt to the model, at least to enter the competition in as strong position as possible (with the 1st party content), which seems more like an eventuality that they’re gonna want to reach in more steps.

Not really. Remember the article from last week? The dude has a position to defend at the moment. Admitting Sony’s service is an absolute piss take would instantly detract from the thing he wrote last week.

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Also probably flood his DM’s with death threats and slurs.

SW3 is singleplayer i’m seeing nothing about co-op like SW2

I thought it had online Co-Op?

And what if it did? That’s just gonna make it appealing to more people

Nope no co-op I think they are trying to make the game more like the first one


There is a general opinion I see some have that basically says “Sony doesn’t really have to match or beat the competition they just have to do something that is similar if you squint your eyes and lie to yourself”. And to be fair this might be true, the PS5 is selling off of inertia and not anything groundbreaking. Still a kind of sad take imo.


“They can do it all.” I think it was


My main concern is Sony uses it’s sales position to get most of the good Day 1 On “X” games and we’re left with shit like Crossfire.

Less Crossfire and more Far: Distant Shores.

This works for moneyhats not subscription services


Of course, you’re always concerned.


Yeah, this is one of those rare cases where you can say a statement is objectively false. If it’s more expensive and it doesn’t feature parity, especially Day One 1st party titles, it by definition is not stronger.

I pinged him on the issue in a private location to see if he needs me to send SWAT to free him from some cultists…


Sony will find a way.

It’s a legitimate concern as the subscritption wars “heat up” Netflix use to have tons of amazing shit from everywhere, then everybody wanted thier own service and everything went everywhere and Netflix was left with a lot of shit.

GamePass use to be the only kid on the block and had lots of choices. Now stuff that could have been amazing Day 1 games have the options to go elsewhere, and that elsewhere has a bigger console base and better marketing.

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