Microsoft quarterly results show Xbox revenue up, but hardware revenue down

The guidance is promising to the point the stocks remains 13 points jump after market. Usually it collapses, but the tall order that is shockingly achievable is very promising.

Everyone, this is Xbox.


LOL Still seem kinda unreal seeing COD along with Forza.


Microsoft has spent nearly 100 billion the past years, and investors still do not give Xbox any attention :rofl:

In the coming years, the gaming division will bring more revenues to Microsoft, and I would not be surprised if investors will only be interested in cloud and AI :joy:

This is a clear indication that investors do not mind Microsoft continuing to invest in the gaming market


It’s almost bizarre. This is CoD and Satya is just casually dropping a mention it is a first party title.


He’s not wrong. lol. It’s still a wild dream.

Do we know how much money MS truly loses with each Xbox console made? We know they are selling them at a loss, but we’re talking about a what…two trillion company here? How much does it really affect them? Is there any way to tell?


I think it was about 200 usd, but I think this loss can be mitigated with new subs for GP or games bought from the Xbox store.


I believe it was said to be between $100-200


That was said of the xbox one consoles at the very end of the generation too. That’s why I keep saying it’s not from a strict bill of materials perspective, unless anyone genuinely thinks the cost to Microsoft was higher than they sold it for even during year 8 of the generation.


Yoou think MS is in the hole 300$ per console?

Good results, people STILL obsessing over hardware sales just don’t get it and probably never will.

MS has made Xbox so diverse they can have records profits while hardware sales dip. Imagine an Xbox division that is still solely 100% dependent on hardware sales?


Imagine when they actually do start selling consoles with ABK bundles. Only up from here for hardware.

Wouldn’t publishing revenue fall under gaming? What would contribute to the content and services bump? Isn’t that just game pass and 30% cut from store?

Content & Services is all software and subscription revenue. Revenue cut from Xbox store (Sales, microtransactions), Game pass subs, Steam sales, Gold (Core) subscribers, etc.

Gaming Revenue is all up included (aka including Hardware).


Ah. Thanks.

Activision Blizzard bump. Vontent and services gets a massive jump from COD, WOW, and Candy Crush

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Those people will never get it. The decades of domination by PS has programmed them to see the victory from hardware sales presepective only.

The $60-70 and $15 products are off putting the decline in revenue due to decline in sales of a $300 or $550 product and then making a 7% growth over it.

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This sums up everything


There are two conversations, one where yes only PS fans care about HW units sold. To me they are easy to ignore.

But the other is I love my little Series S, I want their hardware to succeed as well, because its great value to me and has become intrinsic to how I play games.