Microsoft-Activision-Blizzard Discussion Thread (Part 1)

Great PR speak from Phil. I guess we’ll find out what it means next year. :smile:


Surprisingly naive statement.

its been just a few days. We still have 1.5 years of all this talk. They should of waited to announce it.

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They can’t due to shareholders Id imagine


Things are different. COD is a huge money maker and this was the most expensive acquisition in Microsoft history, 8 times more expensive than the Bethesda deal.

Huh? That deal was highly scrutinized by the govt. This move by Phil/et al will help them avoid the drawn out nitpicking from regulators and avoid risk of the deal not going through.

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Because Call of Duty is literally the biggest gaming franchise nowdays even bigger than GTA and Minecraft so he had to say them by name but still notice the existing agreement word.

I don’t think people on this forum saying any of this. I certainly don’t think that xbox should do anything at the whims of PS or charity.

The simple fact is that MS are a giant corporation who act on their own best interests and their shareholders. If they can make more money by putting game pass on Playstation. Then they will. Microsoft are primarily a sevice oriented company. Subs and MAU users are the most important thing to them. The success and numbers of game pass is what will get them continued interested and funding by Satya.

Just how do you think companies like Microsoft operate?

Jeff Grubb has already said that he saw the maths, they weighed up potential profits with all variations of exclusivity.

lol tbh i can see it if GP on PS5 this is the only way. he would need content for GP on PS5 and 3P won’t cut it

Yup, if they announce something late there is bound to be rampant insider trading. Laws exist to force companies to go public with decisions like this for that reason.

That’s because Sony stated that they hoped Microsoft would honor their existing agreement. He was just answering that.


…if you say so…lol

I’m not going to make any definitive predictions as to what will happen. BUT I can see them doing COD as an olive branch as a means to decrease scrutiny of the deal. However likely or unlikely it is to pass.

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Can’t say for sure, but I think he means COD staying multiplat.

COD is too big of a franchise, you can’t cut the ties like that leaving millions of gamers on PS or force them to buy into another ecosystem, just like most sports games are multiplat. I mean you could, but that’s not smart.

Imo, even Overwatch 2 and Diablo IV should be on PS5. GP is enough of a nudge rn. And Sony has to stay in the game really. It would be bad for everyone if they lose too much.

Im giving a general statement

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Yeah and that agreement that Activision had with Sony bout Call of Duty is for like maps packs and skins and stuff there is probably no agreement for COD to have to be on playstation forever.

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Where do you find those 200 Insomniac or Playgrounds? To answer your question, no. Activision Blizzard has 10.000 employees, multiple support studios, multiple studios and enormous IP. The deal is worth it.

Definitely heard this sentiment elsewhere alright.

Me just happy these games on game pass


It probably all for show you know how the GOV are it lights and smoke mirrors

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