Microsoft-Activision-Blizzard Discussion Thread (Part 1)

Like COD stays on PS via Warzone/FTP but single player COD is xbox exclusive.

It means Warzone aka the breadwinner is going to keep winning that bread.

With COD being multiplatform or not, we will get it Day One on Game Pass so I would be good with it. If it is a way to go through regulations even better, so be it. However, all other games will be exclusive for sure since Phil is mainly mentioning COD here.

I donā€™t really follow him much tbh I know heā€™s a big Sony fan just didnā€™t know he was this blatant.

Although after reading that tweet, Cod could still stay on PS?

Everything is early yet anyway

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This is going to be the longest year wait everā€¦

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This exclusivity talk gonna be worse than Zenimax.

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Keep in mind, Phil canā€™t say anything until the deal is over. Itā€™s exactly like Bethesda.


Actually now that I re-read his tweet, ā€œour desire to keep Call of Duty on Playstationā€ means PS needs to have Game Pass on their console.

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Far worse. Even investors want to know.

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ā€œintent to honor all existing agreements upon acquisition of Activision Blizzardā€

They will honor existing agrement when that is up then Mainline COD goes exclusive but even if not the flex that it free with your sub to gamepass or 70 on PS5 is still enormous.

Ugh I donā€™t think you know what that means, also bit dramatic. Call of duty dwarfs any sort of timed or full exclusive Sony has bought, MS pulling it from their platform would tank their revenue a lot. I donā€™t really care how it goes and will flip flop on if itā€™s a good idea or not to make exclusive because this is a HUGE deal that has so many different outcomes.

COD will exist on playstation as warzoneā€¦ thatā€™s it.

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Yea, 70bn only to keep spending money on Playstation? No chance

The deal would also prevent any COD games to go to PS Plus or Spartacus anymore, hurting their growth as well.

I got to say, Philā€™s words sure is challenging peopleā€™s English. Lol.

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