Microsoft-Activision-Blizzard Discussion Thread |OT4| - Dawn of the Final Day, Deal is done!

There is a tiny little evil part of me that hopes the CMA just troll blocks it again. I don’t think the CMA are trolls they are just usual British bureaucrats. But a tiny tiny part of me wants them to just live up to their image amongst the gaming community.

But obviously greatest part of me just wants the goddamn thing done!

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Ah-ha! The truth has been revealed! You do love this crazy wild ride. That explains that bad feeling you always give to this community.

Anyway, it will be all over. Just need something to play with soon.


Please let this shit end. I want Microsoft to go acquire some studios and they won’t do that until the ABK deal is closed.


I want an Xbox Newswire article on Friday about the acquisition closing and a video roundtable along with a cool ass trailer of ABK joining MS.

Then on Monday, I want another Xbox Newswire article about MS’ next acquisition!


No I found the whole thing incredibly tedious especially the suggestions that useless British bureaucrats were somehow evil malevolent geniuses!

It’s taken so long to get it done that I don’t think it’s something that will excite many - but it really should do. We’ve never seen anything like this and I don’t think we will again, frankly.

The selfish part of me wanted that $69 billion to instead be spent on 7 publishers, a price drop on the hardware, more projects from existing studios, and Paramount so that TV+movie streaming is part of GamePass All Access (a new tier I just made up).

But at the end of the day none of those things advance MS’s goals of doing better in the PC and mobile markets. So I’m not discounting the value of this move. I’m speaking from a strictly selfish manner as a consumer, which is how we should all be thinking about these things at the end of the day.


Come on I want Diablo 4 on Game Pass as soon as it closes!

That game dropped all the way down to 50 on Xbox’s most played, that is awful.


I want Xbox to fully embrace the blizzard launcher and get rid of the buggy mess that is the Xbox app on PC


Their big update is coming pretty soon, so the timing for this to come to Game Pass is right there. Best way to reintroduce.


It’s a no brainer, they gotta take advantage of the moment.

The big update being the season of blood, right?


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Do we know who is still outstanding? Seems ridiculous that some are still only getting to it nearly 2 years on…

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Other than the CMA, the outstanding ones don’t really matter. The deal is closing with or without them.


I know, it’s more out of interest than anything.

I wonder how long the CMA will drag it out this week… right into Friday morning?

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The only one I can think of off the top of my head is Australia.


Surely all the CMA is currently doing is crossing Ts and dotting Is.

Feedback has been received by Friday. There is nobody left to object. Just confirm the approval already!

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They have to write a summary report. This will need to be checked. Agreed. Signed off, by multiple people. Then their comms will need to be produced, and checked and cleared and so on…

Its British bureaucracy at its finest. I would say nearer the end of the week - but today was never very likely. Its possible from tomorrow and increases in probability each day! Which is nice.


If the inevitable “Activision Blizzard King joins the Xbox Family” video doesn’t start (or end) with the Starcraft 2 Marine saying “Hell, it’s about damn time” I’m gonna lose it. It’s so fitting for the long and arduous journey this has been!