Microsoft-Activision-Blizzard Discussion Thread |OT3| - Sony bends the knee!

12 more days and hopefully all of this will finally be over and done with either which way.


I think i said this before, but the Games IP’s is more important than the Devs/studio.

Even if all them studios that only work on COD now… They can still work on COD, but the IP’s can be given to other studios to work on.

For example, Prototype IP can be given to someone else. I don’t worry about the studio. Ownership of IP’s is what really matters.

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ya dont they get hexen with ABK?

Hexen, Starcraft etc… A bunch of dead IP’s.

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IP’s are extremely important but they will only go as far as how great the studios and developers working there are. Giving out IP’s to other studios is fine and all but will they want to work on someone else’s IP? Will the interest and chemistry be there? Have to wait and see how it all plays out.

StarCraft is still a huge IP. Hoping it gets a Xbox version.


OK, but what if them studios what to work on COD? They can’t all hate working on COD.

I can see Toys for BOB maybe not like working on COD but Sledgehammer, Treyarch… I think they like working on COD.

Maybe move 343 to COD as punishment :rofl: while letting Toys for BOB and Raven do something else.

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Someone on Era brought up something interesting, that Judge Corley 5 day cooldown period appliesnboth ways

So MS couldn’t close until 5 days after the ruling byt the FTC cant file an appeal until 5 days after the ruling either

I can see some people at Infinity Ward, Sledgehammer Games, Treyarch and perhaps Raven Software being happy to work on COD but everyone? No freaking way.

343 working on COD…Hahahaha

Making COD a platform in the way you want just won’t happen. Activision releases a new game for 70$ every year. They get people to pay over 500$ just for new COD games in a single generation. And on top of that they have warzone with its micro transactions/battlepass’es.

I would say they have turned warzone into a platform, with the yearly releases complimenting them. The battlepass/micro transactions/warzone updates are themed after the yearly releases.

I think they have done a great job monetizing COD and arnt going to change anything unless they are forced to by the complications of development.


Well that’s good because I was worried FTC will just appeal while MS couldn’t close, I’m not entirely sure if MS can still close if FTC appeal.

The 5 day thing is to allow for appeals so think ftc can appeal in that window. Or MS for that matter.

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Apologies, but this sentiment and thought is disgusting to me. To a mega-corporation looking at value? Sure, IP is incredibly valuable but it’s still gross to state it’s more valuable than human life and talent. I get it, people are “replaceable” but unless your plan is to make every game with AI, they’re certainly incredibly valuable. Look at how long games take to make and the vast variance in quality, you can’t dismiss the importance and value of a talented team.

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My understanding is FTC is allowed to appeal within that 5 days, but unless the ruling itself is unconvincing like didn’t address certain things or has a big gap between evidence and conclusion, the tro is unlike to be extended for the appeal, meaning MS can still close the deal while FTC pursues their appear.

Also, I don’t think18th July is like a super fixed deadline, if the PI is granted, it means up to 3 years of uncertainty, which would kill the deal, but if the PI is denied on the 17th, I think they can wait another 5 days to close the deal without have another round of formal negotiation and shareholder vote.

If anyone wants to follow the docket pages here’s some links.

Should see a new document that has a clear title of the result once it’s uploaded. E.G. “Motion for a PI is Granted/Denied by Judge etc”


So the latest possible date of this decision is 18th of July? Plz tell me if I’m wrong.

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No, more like 12th of July, so it can leave five days for potential appeal from FTC or MS/ACTI (depending on the judge ruling) until closing date.


For how long did the FTC got the TRO?

2 weeks wasn’t it?