Microsoft-Activision-Blizzard Discussion Thread |OT2| The NeverEnding Acquisition

They already did with their shit PC port of TLOU Part 1 and Horizon

Xbox chatpad intensifies


Sure it damages the brand, it’s just a matter of fact though all potential buyers need do is google “last of us PS5 digital foundry” & bingo, a tech review which shows the game running perfectly on PS5 (at least much better than on PC). Its PC launch also came within context of many other PC releases suffering from all sorts of problems so PC hasn’t had a good time recently with certain well communicated problems in some high profile releases (shader compiling issues is a common complaint).

What I really think though is Sony & Jim Ryan are full of public relations bluster & that’s all. It’s all huff & puff publicly about the Activision deal just to appease shareholders, their fanboys & make it look like they’re fighting Microsoft. Privately I’m pretty sure they know this deal is done & they’re also cynical enough to know their complaints have zero merit (like searching for old forum posts to use as evidence…).


Yeah reading their answers to CMA’s past documents they always boiled down to:

CMA’s point 1: No

Sony: “YES, YES CMA you got that right you are so smart and we agree with that!!”

CMA point 2: No


Sony has been a bad faith actor in all this process and regulators (if they were smart) should ignore them already as it is now clear they have been misleading them all this time.



I just knew Sony would bring up that Harvey Smith quote on Redfall lol.


Their entire arguments honestly sound like the usual fanboy drivel you find on twitter or forums

It’s funny and yet very sad


They honestly should have just had chatgpt make their argument cause this one was pathetic.


I hope Sony fails spectacularly with this whole nonsense.


This reaction of King was Golden


I know it’s all “business” and they’ll pretend this never happened in public but man, I don’t know how Phil and Nadella can even stomach doing business with him beyond the tech/crossplay aspect of it all.

They aren’t just trying to block the deal, they want to cause irreparably harm to one of your brands and are outright saying you will harm millions of gamers with no proof or facts to back it up.


I rmember when he did that skit. I laughed a lot

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I want to be clear here, I am most definitely delving into conspiracy theory mode here: I’m thinking, through speculation that isn’t rooted in fact but rather suspicion, that Sony asks 3rd parties for visual and feature parity and it prevents 3rd party games from reaching their full potential.

I’m working on an 8-player-local multiplayer game on the Xbox. Over the years I’ve tracked all of the games that support OVER 4 players on the Xbox One. Meaning 6-8 player games.

I’ve noticed that virtually all (with the exception of the 2K WWE games that has, at points, supported 6 players local) AAA sports games only support 4 player local since 2013. I’m talking about all of EA’s team sports titles and the NBA 2K games.

Now, I’ve always thought the reasonable explanation was that firstly, these game makers don’t care much for local MP features and don’t dedicate a lot of resources to them. Secondly, that they don’t see 8 player local support as a big draw for gamers and may stick with 4 because it’s a legacy feature that would cause uproar if removed, even though it isn’t a selling point or used that often.

But hey, that’s also speculation on my part. What I think is that the gaming media has also failed here, because they’re so PlayStation-centric that they don’t care about the few million Xbox gamers that play couch multiplayer on a console that supports 8 controllers. So you don’t see these sorts of topics explored and clarified.

Anyways, with all that in mind and with recent revelations it makes me wonder if Sony says to the EA that “you can’t take advantage of features like 8 players local multiplayer because it will make gamers want the Xbox version over our version”. I’d LOVE to play 8 player FIFA, NHL, etc and have been denied this since 2013 and at this point I think answers are warranted. Like I said, EA might think not enough people would use it (though I’d argue that if they build it, people will come)…but I’ll never know until they speak on it.

With an ineffectual gaming media, we’ll never know and all we have is speculation. The lack of answers invites conjecture and conspiracy theories.


I really do hope that when this ends Xbox cuts the kumbaya stuff

Play ball where you have to in order to keep regulators happy but I want to see aggressive plays like the 360 days


Microsoft is literally offering this as well as paying for it as part of a remedy/deal, this party would have the power to delay the game release until the found problem was fixed as well

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Is Microsoft committing to making all Activision games multiplatform? It’s a silly commitment since the opposition to the deal only seems to care about Call of Duty, and while Microsoft might see value in keeping everything multiplatform for now, who’s to say what they might see advantegous 3 or 7 years from now? And if they make something exclusive to Xbox/PC, the competition will be able to point at this document how MS is deceitful.:thinking:


I think it just means current content on Playstation. So, they’re not going to yank existing games off of the PS store and they’re not to going to go back and make existing games run worse.


I still take it as what’s currently on PlayStation, same words with Bethesda and the existing communities. COD will be supported forever though, also the whole more platforms and players not less can exclude Sony and still be true. Putting COD on switch and all the cloud platforms and game pass is giving COD to more platforms and players than before.

Edit: I forgot to mention, there most likely won’t be a single remedy concession based on console so Microsoft won’t be forced to put cod on PlayStation legally, sure it might look bad if they don’t but other ABK titles probably won’t bring up any fuss.