Microsoft-Activision-Blizzard Discussion Thread |OT2| The NeverEnding Acquisition

OtherEra: “Microsoft told these market participants to not oppose the deal as a favor!” :woozy_face:

You can’t make this shit up.


Nintendo games sell so much, it’s crazy

They come up with new bangers every day


More like devs can finally speak up in a protected manner to protest that absolute draconian methods Sony props up their own content and charges out the ass to even highlight anything they don’t have a marketing deal with. Sony has been neither “for the gamers” nor for the devs in decades.

This is the company that still operates and behaves as if they’re still larger than Apple (like was the case for decades until those fortunes massively reversed 15 years ago - largely due to Sony’s unwillingness to innovate, adapt to market trends, and enforce proprietary bullshit on all of their devices).


Ms hypnotised those parties!


Would love to be the fly on the wall at the CMA lol.

Your public survey had people overwhelmingly on the side of the purchase, unions and now developers.

At what point do you concede and realize you’re on the wrong side lol.

The saddest part is I’m still not confident in the CMA to do the right thing. Hopefully cooler and rational heads prevail at the CMA.


Same, sadly. Even sadder is the fact that the only rational thing to do here, with all the information provided and readily available, is to allow the deal to go through to circumvent a market leader continuing to build towards the very thing they’re afraid of Microsoft somehow achieving…


I must admit despite all the concerns being addressed, developers and third parties in favour of the deal (and how it will encourage competition) part of me is curious to see the knots the CMA will tie themselves in to justify blocking the deal.


aaaaand there is even more projection, lol


Microsoft’s in too good of a position with Activision for first party

every year, you get the new Call of Duty with Game Pass. That’s a killer game you get to play every year that will keep people paying subscribers, along with their friends pressuring them to play all these new game pass games. It’s the Netflix effect. Even when Netflix is trash, It will still hold through the thick and thin.

Xbox truly will start to become the Netflix of games. I don’t see Activision helping when it comes to making original new IP and I don’t see developers who work on Cod suddenly jumping ship onto new original games. I see Call of Duty and Blizzard in their current form as the current reason why a casual is going to get a Game Pass subscription.

This is going to be the best thing for Xbox. Be prepared for new xbox bundles every year with a Call of Duty game and a game pass trial.


I like the person who insinuated that they chose to release the positive feedback now before dropping the substantially higher quantity of negative feedback in the future.


They mean Sony said even more dumb shit??? :eyes:


Already done IMO. No-one can definitively say when exactly Netflix “arrived” one minute they announced streaming was an alternative, around Halo 3s launch (this was back when you had to download trailers in full before you could watch them) and the next minute the Xbox One is taking flack for.a daily online ping and they were at 70 million+…and no-one mentioned blu-ray vs HD-DVD ever again until i did it just now.

By the time CoDs launching on it, it will have won.


While I feel the CMA still remains the wild card, I’m quite confident that they are honestly working towards a solution. They’ve been put in the position in each blocking the deal would be more detrimental to the industry than not.


Yeah I agree, it seems CMA is slowly pivoting towards agreeing with behavioural remedies. They have certainly been heavy handed with their treating of the facts thus far but the pressure that Nvidia/Nintendo deals caused seems to have genuinely made a big difference.


I’m not currently subbed to Game Pass because I have a massive steam library. The person I’m dating at the moment plays on PS4 and her needs would be totally covered with a $200 Series S and Game Pass at $14.99 a month. That’s too good of a deal for console gamers, you’ve got one of the fastest consoles on the market and it will grant you access to almost every Yakuza game, the entire Xbox Game Studios library, the entire Bethesda library, and soon the entire Activision Blizzard library.

Microsoft just needs to get the art work with Activision|Blizzard, Bethesda’s iconic characters and XGS characters on the front of a Series S boxart. Seeing that box at say, Target or Walmart? People would KNOW that’s the console to get for the best exclusives and games. $14.99 a month to get the most popular game every year + Game of the year contenders and the most popular games of the past decade.


Come on man. It was one person, and that person is getting dragged by most of OtherERA

Edit: And Rightfully so. Sorry I didn’t mean to come down on this harshly.


Setting the grounds for appeal with CAT looks like.

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The problem with all this material is they are looking through a rational lens at the industry. But the CMA are looking through a lens where harming the market leader means that you are reducing ‘competition’ as they will be less able to compete in the future lessening MS and everyone else’s incentive to compete. Its not logical but its their logic and the responses I’ve read are just using normal logic.

The issue is that unless you use the CMA’s weird framework then they are liable to simply ignore it.