Marvel's Blade - Announcement Trailer

Don’t get me wrong, I like the announcement, I just hate knowing that it’s far away. lol

Neither is Indiana Jones or Elder Scrolls VI.


Oh wow I just checked and you are right. Does this mean Xbox was going third party as early as 2018? :thinking:

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It can probably be tracked back to when Microsoft acquired Mojang in 2014 … :thinking:

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DAM!! This is how I feel as an xbox fan!! :angry: :angry: :angry:

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i wouldn’t worry about it hell we didn’t know about Indiana Jones until the FTC court case that it was xbox/pc exclusive

We wouldnt know if it was going to be exclusive until next year, where they woul probably show gameplay in their event and a launch date for 2025, four years after announcement.

Oh everyone with common sense knew, except Jez.

Its copium. If I have to read another "Well if they launch it on PS5 at $70 and game pass day 1 iTs A wIn/WiN. It makes too much sense not to be multiplatform" i will slap someone.


Wanna bet he and others will spread the same FUD in the coming years until the game is shown? I wont be surprised if he do it in the next couple of hours haha.


Let’s GO!


I’m not even worried about exclusivity it’s just that it’s at the very least 4 years away.


Tragedy of modern game development…still, i’d rather it be far away and look next gen than be close and look circa 2018 graphics.


It’s on the official channel.


Well for what its worth Phil, Sarah, and the Official Xbox twitter accounts all retweeted the announcement so the chances of it being exclusive are basically all but confirmed for me. Seems to me people get worked up over nothing sometimes, this is an awesome announcement!


When I look at the Xbox channel its listed even though it says Bethesda. See attached screenshots:

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Word of warning, logo-gate will have a short leash.

@Shpeshal_Nick can confirm, Blade is exclusive.


Aaron basically said the same in his tweet:


I don’t get it. Is it really that hard to throw Xbox Game Pass Exclusive at the bottom of the trailer? Or the Xbox logo super opaque during the trailer? Seems like a silly mistake with messaging, which Xbox should have a hold of by now.

Games too far out for me to be super interested yet, and I’d prefer a more realistic art style than Arkanes, but little no brainers like that give me an itch lol.

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You should have stopped after the first four words

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wtf even is xbox gamepass exclusive…