Machine Games and id Software to team up for a "Revitalization of the Quake Franchise" a scoop by Xbox Era

No quake is on console right now and Xbox could receive Quake 2, 3, 4 and Enemy Territors thanks to BC with 360 (Nintendo had no Quake since 2 and PS skipped 2 and 4). Quake 1 was ported only on Saturn and N64. Even if “legacy” meant what misguided websites titles and fanboys on social wedia say, there is really no big history of Quake on any console othan tha Xbox for the major part.

Yeah the full set would be neat. More games you could easily load into pc gp too.

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I wonder if this gen will be the return of the arena shooter, I wouldn’t complain.


He discovered this during the live stream of Hades.


Halo infinite is an arena shooter…at least the arena bit.

Quake is a dormant IP, I don’t see any argument for it having to be multiplat. The last Quake game I can think of on a Sony platform was Quake 3 in 2001, two decades ago.

I can understand the argument for something like Wolfenstein 3 being multiplat since it’s the third part of a lineal trilogy (even then I doubt it will be), but there is no reason for any new Quake game to be.

No more than there is a need for Perfect Dark to go to Nintendo platforms just because the first game launched there in 2000.


Technically the last one was Enemy Territory in 2007, anyway yeah, there is no “legacy” on any PS or Nintendo console, even with the distorted meaning applied by fanboys and journous. Quake series in general has always been very inconsistent concerning console ports:

  • Quake (PC, Saturn, N64)
  • Quake 2 (PC, N64, PS1, X360)
  • Quake 3 Arena (PC, Dreamcast, PS2, X360)
  • Quake 4 (PC, X360)
  • Enemy Territory: Quake Wars (PC, X360, PS3)
  • Quake Live (PC)
  • Quake Champions (PC)

If there is some consistency here, the one and only is Xbox 360.


Fair point, forgot about that one (as most did I suspect).

Agree with your post on the franchise being everywhere and nowhere in specific. There is no ‘moral’ case for a remake of the original Quake having to come to Playstation, and it won’t I believe.

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Bethesda should also clarify Quake Champions future, the game is still updated, has pro tournaments and so on, but it’s still in early access technically (since beta launch in 2017), maybe an Xbox port with cross-play could be beneficial for the game, I don’t know, this game seems to have been left underused and mostly dropped by Bethesda. I know that many of its problems are originated from the partnership with Saber Interactive (coincidentally the game runs on a hybrid engine between idtech and Saber engine), which then went on to other projects and now is owned by Embracer with its own publisher arm.

This game like Elder Scrolls Legends and Blades or Wolfenstein Youngblood were symptoms of the last period of Zenimax independency: projects launched not ready and with no runaway success from day one and then slowly dropped. Only F76 was saved from this destiny and mostly because of the dimension of the project (and budget).

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and foolishly didn’t think to SS it then. Thank you for remedying my mistake. Went off looking to see people talking about this “new quake game” only to find nothing and realize after they changed it that it was mistakenly put up early.


I hope so because I am getting a bit tired of BRs and military FPS

There’s no way this can be a big thing right? Unless the bulk of it is being done at ID? Machine Gun has Wolfestein 3 and now Indiana Jones in development, they’re not big enough to have a third game in the world are they?

Plus, ID wrapped up Doom, can we see a reimagining of Quake ala 2016’s Doom!?

Sadly this is speculation on everyones part and we don’t know for sure.


How much work would it be to rebuild the original Quake in the modern Id tech engine?

The levels are quite simple, and you could probably get away with reusing a lot of the Doom/Doom Eternal assets.

Unique enemy types are quite a low number.

I could see it being something like this.

But in the longer term. Yeah I would like to see a full new reboot of Quake in a few years from now.

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This is probably what they’ve been working on instead of Wolfenstein 3 lol

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Yea I get the impression this is a full AAA Quake game

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Reboot of Quake in line with Doom 2016 would be great. Recently watched walkthrough of Quake 1 and slower, more horror and gothic Doom would be cool

Exclusively to Xbox? :slightly_smiling_face:

But thats not what it hints to be at least the rumors tho. I do possibly think of the existence of another Quake game could happen which is a reboot akin to Doom and Wolf.

Didn’t nick say the new quake was going to have a female lead character? I could be tripping.

Old quake was not one where a main character was very prominent from what I recall.

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