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I tried to play Carto yesterday but after about 20 minutes decided it was not for me and deleted it.

Game Pass means that I did not spend a penny.


This reminds me that I need to go back to Carto at some point.

Played some Observation last night, hoping to finish before it leaves game pass today. Probably won’t have time…

Then I want to check out the game Cerys got me :blush:

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Observation is worth playing.


I’ve never played a Far Cry game. Picked up base versions of 3, 4 and 5 for about £15 in the sale using rewards points and have played about an hour of 3 so far. I’m not majorly into shooters but like open worlds so giving it a shot (ha!).

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THPS1+2 is still my go to game right now. Completed all the characters and now working on getting to level 100, without any of the shortcuts. Just playing and improving. Think I have about 70+hrs in the game and it still is fun. Amazing game, can’t wait for 3+4, if those rumors are true.

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I had the same experience. Cool idea and the game played great, just not really for me.


Playing Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart. Should have it wrapped up by Sunday night. Great game overall and really enjoyable.


I made the mistake of buying the Fortnite season pass and the Vigor season pass. I didn’t use real money for either but I use the VB/gold that I had.

I said “mistake” because I have to level up every night to unlock everything that you get with the season pass. For both, there doesn’t seem to be any leniency in taking a day off. Soon, Vigor is introducing a legacy seasons feature where you can unlock stuff from previous seasons, but there’s a shaky timeline on that.

So I’m playing both games every night trying to level up. I’ve done the math and I know the time investment involved. I don’t even plan to max out in Vigor, I figure I just want to hit a certain level for a certain cosmetic. Fortnite I would like to max out and get all the stuff from the SP.

So I’m not playing anything else, which is a shame. I need to flip a switch in my head and tell myself that it’s okay to miss out on those cosmetics. I really want Rick and Superman, but I need to just let it go, heh.

So I’ll be playing these games everyday for the next two months. :grimacing: Fortnite is starting to feel like a grind and Vigor is actually pretty fun.

Halo Infinite’s season plan plan is PERFECT.


Yeah - hearing a lot about their plans for Battlepass season permanence, grind to own, and non-expiring seasons. Play whenever, buy whenever. Sounds very good.

I don’t know much about these, but looking forward. I am a Halo noob, will probably get into Halo through Infinite.


Bought Metro Exodus when it came out but never got further than the prologue even though I loved the first two games. Now that the 4k 60 fps patch is out I’m loving getting back into it; it is insane how good it looks while performing so well.

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I’m playing Last Light to get ready for the Exodus upgrade patch. Also played some Last of Us 2. Probably playing some Jedi Fallen Order now that that’s been upgraded after the Dodger game.

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Crunch han :person_shrugging:

Jedi is the best

Loved that game


Just finished the mass effect legendary edition


Finished the first game or the whole trilogy? I gotta get back into that too.


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Awesome. What’s next on your list?



I think I played my most epic 3v3 in Halo Wars 2 since launch.

Overall, lasted more than a hour, +1400 units were lost, 50 bases got destroyed, probably +30 Scarabs destroyed, 314 active powers used…

Pure non-stop madness.


I have been replaying all the Halo campaigns in anticipation of the Infinite launch. Started in January with CE and finished Halo 5 yesterday. I had played all of them at the time of release, with the exception of Halo 5, which I had never played for some reason.

So, here are my completely unrequested thoughts about the Halo 5 campaign.

  • As a solo player, I HATED the four player co-op set up for the game. I have rarely played a game with such useless AI companions. I literally only saw them kill enemies about 4 times through the entire game. The only thing they were good for was healing me went I went down.

  • I completely understand what 343 was going for with the story, the new characters, etc. I think if Locke, et al would have been in a spin-off story like ODST they would have been well liked. But as the “leads” in a numbered sequel they don’t work as well.

  • I enjoyed the new movement mechanics - though I had trouble getting sprint to “engage” when I wanted it to . Not sure whether that was a “me” problem or a game issue.

  • I didn’t realize what a cliff hanger then end of 5 was. Makes me very curious to see how it feeds into Infinite’s story.

  • Overall, I enjoyed it and am glad I played it, though I understand the problems most folks seem to have with the game.