Kingdom Hearts 4 - Reveal Trailer

For now I assume any Japanese game getting announced in the vicinity of that “Japanese focused” State of Play that happened is not exclusive because games like SFVI or KH4 would have made that a much better well received showcase.


Yeah, seems weird that neither both of those games appeared in that SOP center around “in our japanese publishers”

Maybe there is a reason CAPCOM and Square decided to show these games independently?

Sony likes announcing their moneyhats at their showcases because it ties the IPs to PlayStation and they make sure to flaunt ONLY ON PLAYSTATION

These games getting announced outside of there with no platforms announced doesn’t line up with that at all.

I think a possibility is because Square isn’t sure about last gen or not

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That was the case with FF7R and SFV right? It was announced in SOP and as an exclusive in the same event.

Maybe they are waiting for PSX or something. Or Summer Game Fest. Or their separate event?

Would be hilarious if JP publishers are on the fence looking at how the war between Playstation and Microsoft resolves. Or for example wary of Microsoft actions - after all it is not easy to bet on market share this gen :fire:

Well I mean square (can be) is RETARDED AF, but expect better from CAPCOM.

Square Enix might be retarded, but they love money.

We can speculate that if Sony offers moneyhat under the assumption that PS5 vs XSX marketshare is 2:1 - it is one price. But if it is close to 1:1, the price is different. What’s gonna happen if Microsoft wins the bid next year for example? And keep in mind that Microsoft does not prohibit PC releases either.


FFVIIR - Sony E3 2015

SFV - PS Experience 2014

FFXVI - PS5 Showcase 2020

If there is some big game that was initially announced with no platforms but then only later got big Sony advertising and ONLY ON PLAYSTATION advertising then I would be worried but as far as I know there is no precedent for this


Sony doesn’t seem to be prohibiting PC releases either (now at least) but kingdom hearts is owned by disney so I am not certain how deciding which platforms to put it goes, it might be up to the mouse

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Yeah, dont remember one either.

I wonder if Square Enix is kicking itself for not asking a bigger moneybag from Sony over FF16 looking at how XS consoles are doing :joy:

FF7R did not come to PC until 1 year later (I guess?), FF16 was also not announced for PC as far as I recall.

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Or at least PC because like I said many times even Sony themselves are not confident in launching PS5 only games but FFXVI is.

They also made a big mistake when they announced FFXVI by saying it was also on PC but quickly corrected that and said it’s not on PC. Now everyone else on PC knows to just wait.

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I thought it was confirmed for PC, looks like I was mistaken though

this is what I was thinking of, I didn’t realise it was a mistake lol

Disney will have a say if its multiplat or not. They pretty much stopped SE from making Kh3 being a ps4 exclusive.

I think kh being a far more popualr game in NA will force SE to make it multiplat.

The real question is will it comr to PC day 1? 3 didnt.

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Ms will never be able to moneyhat a game like KH4 but they dont need to. Kh4 will most likley be multiplat and disney will block any exclusivity deals.

As a PC gamer thats the only thing Im wondering :,D

Square enix dont like pc games. Hence epic deals and shitty ports

No doubt FF16 will come to PC 6 months later as an epic exclusive then xbox and/or steam a year after that.

This whole sony SS love bubble may burst when 16 comes out and flops. And it will when its exckusive to ps5 no ps4 version no pc or xbox. Dont know how much sony paid but it would he pittance compared to how much it would make on those other systems at launch.

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Im 100% square still dont know how and why capcom is having massive success (and now From software.)

If you have not play previous KH games before don’t even try cause i play past KH games before and still have no clue what the hell is going on the story is that confusing