JRPGs |OT| The Grind to Level 99 is Paved With Good Intentions

I still play Curtain Call on the 3DS from time to time, so it’s a bit disappointing. The nature of this sort of game suits a touch screen better, so a bit of a missed opportunity to not having it on Xcloud etc.

The thing with these SE releases is, they’ll probably come to Xbox eventually as they almost certainly aren’t money hatted like FF7R etc. Just seems like they’ll hold off to force MS to cough up GP money for it. Really, really lost all respect for this company.

Majes 0 sense to not release a game like this on xbox right away. I dont think its coming

Symphonia Remastered is 30 FPS. :upside_down_face:

Fun fact: The GameCube version was 60 FPS.


Just saved 60 bucks. But i want to wait on confirmation.

Utterly fucking baffling if true. But i suspect its not.

Not interested in the game but I just saw this on Twitter and wondered why. Even the PC version will be running at 30 FPS (unless they mod it of course).

Apparently they lost the source code for the GameCube version.

https://twitter.com/imranzomg/status/1569969251330695169?t=4896iq4O1Im9JfkH3PjuOQ&s=19 https://twitter.com/imranzomg/status/1569973356673536000?t=u_nZpCUaFzz90rnUifa8sg&s=19


I wish sony sees nothing from activision going forward.

Paying not even for exclusivity, but just to keep xbox fans from playing the game, the very niche game. Screw them.

I don’t think it’s on Sony. Square Enix is waiting for the Game Pass money.

No but sony has paid for a lot of SE games. Valkyrie elysium FF etc…so SE can sometimes do favours for sony regardless.

The octopath one is strange

Theres rumours going around on shitter that octopath for xbox will be day 1 gamepass and be announced at their own event. I seriously doubt it though.

I doubt it. If they were going to get it on gp they were going to get it either way. Not releasing it on xbox day one doesn’t help their game in any way imo.

Exactly. They can put it on xbox as a full priced title and do GP deal in the future.

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Yeah… the way it is now, they lose sales, they lose potential fan acquisition, and they lose face as a company in the eyes of xbox fans. They obviously know this so what made this happen is probably sonys money.

I think this is more Square thinking an Xbox version isn’t worth it rather than Sony paying to keep it off Xbox. If Sony were trying to moneyhat Octopath 2 then why would it be releasing on Switch?

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Square is one of the most risk-aversed company that I know. If it’s not worth it, Square will not put the game on Xbox. I’m still surprised that DioField is coming to Xbox.

Guys come on how costly is a port of a game like octopath traveler? I’m no expert but I find it extremely hard to imagine they’d lose money on it, especially since 1 is on game pass and it wouldn’t surprise me if they got 2 on there as well, and at that point they’d make profit by default.

If they bothered to put 1 on xbox when it was at a much worse place in the industry, I struggle to imagine how they came to the conclusion that now is the right time to keep it off of xbox, again before sony comes in the equation.


saw it on twitter. thats a shame

Played roughly two hours of SMT5 and all I can say is… I just hope this game comes to more systems. It’s screaming for hardware that is capable of doing more and the experience just gets dragged over its technical issues.

Day and night compared to Soul Hackers 2… which was a game that was smaller in budget but still performs really nicely on next-gen hardware. Current-gen SH2 seems to follow the same path that SMT5 took.

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Right now I’m playing Xenoblade DE and absolutely loving it. I’m just about to head to Prison Island now.

One thing that bugged me though was I was mapping every single area by travelling manually the hard way. I only realised that you don’t have to do that to get the whole map to unlock. You just need to visit all the landmarks and locations. Smh I wish I knew this before Makna Forest. I was trying to map Great Makna Falls but it was so huge I gave up and looked up online about mapping areas.

I forgot if Xenoblade 2 was like this as well.

Think I might dive into Ni No Kuni today!

I did not know that was a thing… I wonder if that’s in Xenoblade 3? Because I’ve been “painting” the maps there on foot too lol.

By the way, the cutscenes on this game keep delivering. I’m in the middleish of Chapter 4 (with like 45 hours played, yeah I do every side quest :sweat_smile:). It’s like every main story cutscene has something major happen. Xenoblade really knows how to keep awesome pacing going, something a lot of JRPGs could learn from lol.

I’ll update this thread later today. There was a handful of JRPGs for Xbox this week.

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That’s the rest of my year sorted