JRPGs |OT| The Grind to Level 99 is Paved With Good Intentions

I finished Xenoblade 3 last night, with about 110 hours of play time. I did the vast majority of side quests and pretty much fully explored all maps.

In some ways it’s my least favorite of the 3, in other ways it’s my favorite of the 3. I will assure you though that I loved this game a lot.

To start, however, It’s my least favorite story of the 3. Every time they flashbacked to the party’s training days was just uninteresting. The villains were mostly very unmemorable besides N. It seems widely agreed even that the main villain just sucks. This is not to say the story is bad though! Again I liked the plotline of N and the journey to the City. The action cutscenes are always a major treat too and are really well animated and exciting.

The gameplay is on point. I really like just having ALL the party members engaged, I like the class system and turning into Ouroboros, hitting arts from cancelled attacks is satisfying as usual. I don’t really like Chain Attacks as much as I did in XC2 though, thought XC2’s system for it was a lot funner.

Exploration is the best in the series, and there’s so much hidden in the world that it made it feel like I was already playing another Elden Ring. Yep, that’s how detailed I feel the world is.

Side Quests: The Hero Quests are a very welcome change to XC2’s gacha Heroes. Now you are rewarded for exploring and finding these instead of through RNG. Hero Quests of course are fully voice acted and have animated cutscenes, and of course reward you with new party members. As for the standard quests, there was a lot of memorable ones in there… But there is bloat. If you plan on doing all of them, prepare to not play the main story for a couple days. Some of them didn’t need to be there either, like the ones where the only objectives were to just talk to people.

Music: Well it’s Xenoblade! If you played any Xeno game at all before you know you’re in for an amazing time here with music. Especially the final boss theme, I think it’s the best in the series (as well as the fight itself. Amazing spectacle… Too bad I died the first time and had to watch many unskippable cutscenes over again! :-1:)

I think the game is an 8.5/10 and is worth playing even if you haven’t played any Xeno game before.

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