I’m intrigued…
We really need a 3rd person spy game, hope this rumour is true.
Breaks my heart Ubisoft doesn’t do another Splinter Cell. MS should just cover dev costs and make it happen.
It’s not perfect dark it’s velvet dark
On the serious side though it would be like doing god of war reboot in a way. Some things stay the same and some change. In god of war the setting and gameplay style changed while the character stayed the same.
My bet is the PD universe will be consistent with changes. Future punk and corporate intrigue are hot story beats now and PD has that in spades but Joanna had a storyline revolving around alien conspiracies and other far out concepts. MS also have a big FPS already and while I loved deus ex it didn’t set the world on fire
So keep the universe and the broad themes but blend in Third person stealth gameplay in a futuristic setting with the driver being corporate espionage and rogue ai etc. have the coalition work on an MP mode similar to spies v mercs
Rand Al Thor 19, is that you??? lmao
Great news if true!!
This is PERFECT, if that’s the case.
Addendum: oh jeez I didn’t mean for the pun, I swear!