I think it may be less that and more the fact that they are trying to expand their games into other genres and don’t want to be known only as the dude shooter console. That being said they should have snatched Respawn up as soon as they saw the first Titanfall and locked them down. Imagine a new Titanfall released in between Halo and Gears as an exclusive XGS game.
Agreed. Respawn are some of the best devs and their shooters have the best feel imo. Would’ve been a great pickup
As long as its third person, sounds great!
This is really intriguing, really curious to see it. Booty said we’d see it in 2020, but that statement was pre-Covid.
Disagree. First Person Shooters of multiple varieties can exist separate of each other.
Why is it that RPGs can get away with being classified as different genres and not first person shooters? Is every shooter the same?
Yes! This is a game we need. The insanely talented people The Initiative have recruited so far gives me hope this will be something really great.
I don’t disagree with you, I think they could definitely support another FPS along Halo. I wish they would have gotten Titanfall to do that. I imagine their reasoning at this time has more to do with expanding their offerings. They have caught a ton of flak for only having shooter games over the years with Halo and Gears so I think with their new commitment to games and studios they are trying to make sure they cover all of the major genres first. They probably think they already have arguably the best FPS franchise on consoles right now and need to offer more diversity. Not saying you are wrong or they are right, just trying to see things how they might see it. If they were to announce a new game and it was a FPS a lot of fans and others would probably give them a hard time about having another shooter right now. I agree with you though They should be looking at something new to offer in between Halo launches and as Halo popularity falls. I don’t know what they would offer in terms of another shooter though. The same situation with Forza I think they should alternate a new PGR game in between Forza releases and stop trying to release the Horizon games so frequently.
Jeff Grub commented on the XboxNews subreddit about this:
Pfft. Ah well.
Personally, I see all these takes online about it “being an open secret so it’s not important because I’m not surprised” takes as wholly disingenuous. When was the last time someone complained that God of War was known to be in the works and getting a sequel, or Zelda, or any of the other titles that are obviously getting sequels. Bringing back a franchise that was dead/dormant, is always more of a surprise, no matter how long there have been rumors. More importantly, I still don’t understand why certain people use it as a knock on the end product or whatever; as someone that grew up with Perfect Dark, just having it brought back along with Fable is enough for me to be celebrating about it.
Ignore the haters, they run rampant.
Would love a third person story driven single player action adventure Perfect Dark game in a cyberpunk type setting. Similar to Deus Ex. I’m sure that there would be multi-player as well which is of no interest to me but as long as they keep the single player and multi-player modes separate, I’ll be a happy camper.
This is a game I’m definitely looking forward to be it 2 or 3 years from now, I really really hope it still has the really cool weapons and gadgets of the older ones. The Laptop gun better be included.
I’d always imagine a modern Perfect Dark game would be like the first 30 minutes of Ghost in the Shell.
To be expected at this point. It is what it is.
I don if its a “Splinter Cell” type stealth game if it’s some re imagining of the Velvet Dark concept or wherever. But if they go with Perfect Dark as in Joanna is the character we’re using, i’d rather something more akin to the original with sim elements and the ability to tackle multiple objectives in multiple ways per mission. But yeah this much like Fable is pretty much the worst kept secret!
Now i am wondering if we’ll catch a glimpse of it this year. Maybe an X0 event or the Game Awards?
So long as you mean the 1995 version of GITS as opposed to the awful one with Scarjo.
I only know the 1995 version. Not familiar with any new version…
Sounds good. Ubisoft is too cowardly to deliver us the next Splinter Cell so Joanna has to fill the pantsplace. Perfect.
Add this to the OP: https://venturebeat.com/2020/08/26/the-initiatives-first-game-whats-the-so-called-aaaa-studio-making/
It is NOT a new Perfect Dark game after all. Grubb misspoke. It’s…more complicated than that. Check the link for details.
We love to see it
I think it is in the PD universe, it will come with another name cs the brand Perfect Dark has a baggage and expectations (being a first person shooter and all)
Like Avowed and Pillars