It's been a week since launch. Let's chill with the doomposting

Agreed one hundred percent!


Yes, it’s fantastic. So damn fast, and quick resume is a joy. I never want to go back!


Can I ask what the delineation between concern/disappointment and “doomposting” is?

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Not sure there is one. When people are hyperventilating over a multiplat game’s performance being a few frames less here or there or demanding Microsoft ‘fix this’ whatever you want to call it, its irritating.

Commenting about it, discussing it fine. Even saying its a shame. But the overreactions IMHO are unnecessary especially considering for months we’ve known this to likely be the case.

But even what deems an overreaction is based purely on personal opinion.

Generally, I don’t care how much better the Sony consoles perform over what MS has. The problem I have is that I really just don’t vibe with Sony’s 1st party output for the past decade or so. So I’ve been Xbox bound. Last generation was rough. I generally don’t like to listen to system specific podcasts. So because the momentum and narrative of the Xbox One was so bad from the get go, sites were getting mostly PS4 review code, so almost all talk was about the PS4 and PC.

I was hoping for people to be excited about something MS produced, because it gets me excited too. And its nice hearing people talk about games I’m playing too and on the system I’m playing it on, without being fanboys about it.

So I admit, I drank Microsoft’s Kool-Aid this time around.

People are upset, rightfully so, because they spent the last 8 years hearing about how the console they decided to back was the wrong choice. And its looking like it might happen again.

You can say, oh just block it out, but as an enthusiast, you really can’t.

This situation just sucks.

And if you want proof of my Series X ownership (without me providing personal info, like my gamertag), I’d be happy to oblige.

lol this is amusing, I’ve been playing my XSX and enjoying AC:V a lot and apparently it’s the “worst” option yet I literally have no issue with it even with the screen tearing. I feel like people get upset over shit like that just because they need to have the one that does better yet they’ve been playing it and loving it until they’re told it’s not the best version, then it’s no fun and a bad experience.

You don’t need to say stuff like that, you’re allowed to post whatever you want. it just makes you look a bit sus saying something like that.


Well with tensions high, and suspicions of “Sony Trolls” invading the forum, I feel like anything less than praise will get you tagged as one of these.

So we good then?

And handwaving the fact that many people are experiencing the issue with screentearing is pretty disingenuous.

This. It’s the first week with cross gen games. PS devs tools are more mature atm. As the gen goes on I’d expect Xbox to pull ahead and stay ahead. There’s no magic or secret sauce that will prevent that from happening.


Well I’m the same in that generally I’m ambivalent to Sony’s first party games so usually go Xbox or Xbox first, as I have this time.

Where I just don’t understand is why you care what others think or say about Xbox - even less so gaming journalists or podcasters or whoever…what on earth does it matter to you?

You don’t back a console because it might be a frame faster in a launch title, you buy it because its the system you want to play. I’ve been playing this last week and its been awesome, probably the best week I’ve had gaming for years. Does digital foundry telling you that your console you are playing is a few frames worse off whilst the dev tools are refined or mastered change that?

This is what I don’t understand. What do you listen to who you want to tell you that Xbox is the best? And if their view is so important to you, why don’t you just take whatever their opinion is and run with it. Its people invested in scoring points online that seem bothered by all this. I want Xbox to be viable but its already proven that with the biggest launch ever and the strong demand even without their flagship games. Sony and Playstation are always going to be more popular and even when they have the weaker system in the Pro - the people you were listening to, I can only imagine, weren’t saying 1X was the best system to buy so what honestly does it matter?

If you pick up an Xbox you know that its the second console, the one that isn’t going to dominate headlines or win sales awards or any of those things - but if you actively cared about that stuff (and its super super weird to me that anyone would) why would you do it in the first place?


I don’t want to hear that the xbox is the best. But last generation it was almost entirely ignored outside of the diehard Xbox fanbase.

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Ignored by who and why does it matter? The main gaming media gave it loads of coverage. Who was ignoring it?


I mean, any podcast that wasn’t an Xbox podcast. And it matters because as someone that likes to listen to podcasts, I’d like to hear genuine enthusiasm. I’ve stated that already.

Give me an actual example…if you wanted to hear genuine enthusiasm why wouldn’t you listen to a podcast that did cover Xbox - of which there are many…I don’t think you’re making much sense.

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All this over one game???

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Because brand enthusiast podcasts are not something I enjoy. I don’t like feeling that I’m being marketed to.

How about either Giant Bomb podcast, for example?

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One game? Its every multiplatform game.

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  1. Giant Bomb talk loads about Xbox.
  2. You listen to Giant Bomb expecting enthusiasm about ANYTHING?

What? There have been comparisons of two games - DMC and ACV. In DMC the Xbox ran 5% faster than the PS5 in 3 out of 4 modes…

They had to remove Ray Tracing from the Series X version of Observer, so there’s that one too.

I’ll say that it seems like Borderlands 3 runs exactly the same on both, but that’s not with any in depth analysis.

I suggest people start doing what I’ve recently discovered I could: ignore the few users that have cropped up lately to doompost with the same talking points whilst ignoring any and every explanation from devs/insiders/etc.

I’m absolutely fine with constructive criticism, despite being accused otherwise when attributing me to words and concepts I never materialized. These talking points being regurgitated are not constructive criticism, nor are they in good-faith as I’ve said due to the aforementioned reasons and their cherry-picked nature. Notice how there’s no discussion about the incredible performance and quality benefits on Gears, Ori, etc?

On topic: I’ve been loving my Series X and have been incredibly impressed with BC and its inherent performance/quality benefits. I know I might get crucified for this but I’ve loved Fallout 76 since the Wastelanders update, and playing on Series X has been an entirely new experience over the One X; between loading and stability of frame rate, it’s a world of difference. I’ve played a decent amount of Watch Dog Legions, and am very impressed with its RT capabilities - especially given the state of the tools and the fact that it’s a cross-gen title, so we have nowhere to go but up.

The UI and overall system functions are such a success; though I can’t really use Quick Resume as I switch between my main Series X and our secondary console, as it requires the state to be reset to fetch the new save data.