Former baseball star, current 35 yr old physics professor, education researcher and found/owner of NerdPropellant Etsy shop. Been hardcore Xbox fan since March of 2001.
Thrilled to see a community of Xbox fans whose voices can be heard thru the noise.
Hello everyone ! I’m Joffrey, 28 Years Old, living and born in France. Currently working as an helper for animals ( if that is how you say it ). I started my path in video games with Jak and Daxter on PS2, to go to 360 and then Xbox One. I am also playing a bit on PC on the side. At first, I mainly played FPS and TPS games, but I have discovers many other genres thanks to Game Pass.
I always read the Xbox Game Studios thread on Resetera, but was always hesitant to post there due to the toxicity that could run there. I’m really glad to finally be contributing here and hope to meet really nice people here !
Hi! This is Jesus from Spain, about to turn 35 in a couple of weeks and I’ve been a dad since February last year. You might have seen me hanging around NeoGaf, ResetEra and Twitter where I have the same username. Been gaming on Xbox since the Xbox 360 in late 2005. Skipped the Ps4 but I expect to grab a Ps5 some time later after I get the XsX on launch and will use it to play its exclusives while the XsX will be my main console of choice for multiplats and its exclusives (Fable and Playground <3). My gaming journey began with the MegaDrive (the Sega Genesis in Europe) and I think it’s one of the best pieces of hardware ever made. Blast processing, yo!
I’m a bit crazy about collecting physical games although I am still subscribed to Gamepass because I find there are interesting games in there that otherwise I would not realize they exist. Currently having a blast with the Yakuza Series (currently on the Chapter 4 of Kiwami 2)
My GT is just Psyrgery. You can add me if you wish although I rarely play online.
Hi I’m Sebastian, I’m from Chile and I’m 30 years old. I work in the construction field, even though after COVID I’m now jobless.
I have been an user in both Neogaf and Resetera and I’m enjoying playing in all consoles and in PC, so I hope that we could discuss every game here.
I’m into fighting, rhythm and JRPG, also lately I have appreciated more to coop multiplayer games. I have been playing a lot of Sea of Thieves and Dead by Daylight lately
44 year old dad of 2 in Michigan who manages a data and analytics team. Been gaming since I was about 5. First home console was the Atari 5200. I’ve owned many different platforms over the years however my primary changed every generation until the OG Xbox in 2001. Halo, the controllers and online gaming stuck me. I own PS4, Switch and a gaming laptop but find myself on Xbox most of the time.
Favorite consoles of all time were the Sega Genesis and OG Xbox. One for it’s variety and the other for introducing me into the world of online gaming where I met friends I keep in touch with today.
Have spent over 2500 hours between MCC and Halo 5 this gen however love variety, indies and anything that’s fun to play with friends.
It’s great to see the diversity of people here brought together by gaming!
Hello, strangers. I’m not sure how much of me you’ll be seeing around these parts (I’m not particularly known for my sociability), but jumping into something at its very inception is a pretty exciting prospect; so, here I am. Should we happen to bump into each other, here’s the TL;DR of who I am/where I’m coming from:
I’m in my mid-20s
I hail from the U.S.; Texas, more specifically
I primarily play games on PC, as of late
Single-player RPGs are my deepest interest, but I’m passionate/curious about the medium as a whole and everything that surrounds it
Dragon Age: Inquisition is my all-time favorite game, in my favorite game series
Oh, and my GT is SowingShade, as one might expect
So, why I am here, specifically? Well, I’ve been a part of the Xbox ecosystem from (nearly) the very beginning, when I was given the original Xbox for my birthday in 2002. And while I had great experiences with that console, it was the Xbox 360 that truly made me invested in the platform. The total package of the console, services, and – of course – the games won me over in a big way, and yet it wasn’t until several years deep into its lifespan that the 360 played its most important role: it was instrumental in rekindling/expanding my lifelong passion for video games, which created a bond that lasts to this day.
These days, my involvement in the Xbox ecosystem primarily exists on PC via Game Pass; and while it doesn’t quite feel the same as booting up a console, I still get a smile on my face when I see the Xbox logo.
Anyway, I feel like I’ve shared more than enough about myself. I’ll just wrap this up by saying that I’m enjoying witnessing the excitement surrounding the launch of this new gathering spot. I sincerely believe these forums could become someplace special and hope they continue to grow and thrive for years and years to come (with or without my involvment, ha).
A belated hello, fellow Xbox aficianados - I hope all are coping OK in these tricky times.
Thanks to the XboxEra gang for the new forum. Nice!
I relatively recently jumped back into console gaming after playing almost exclusively on PC for the past decade (I had a 360 back in the day, but it wasn’t heavily used).
Inspired by E3 2019, I loaded up on three years’ worth of Live in the hours that followed, promptly converted it to GP Ultimate, then headed out days later to buy an Xbox One. Now happily live from one Game Pass announcement to the next, with my backlog strategy largely dictated by the schedule of departing titles.
Too many games, not enough time - but it’s a very nice problem to have. Present-day Xbox, regardless of what might’ve come before, is now all about games, games, games - and it’s quite lovely.
Happy to be among you all - take care out there, and enjoy your precious gaming hours, my friends.
Oh, and my gamertag is ‘oipic’ also; should you need someone to prop-up the lower rungs on your leaderboards, feel free to add me!
Hi, Paul from the UK now 48yrs young, started gaming on a Acorn Electron and still going strong!
I have three separate employments and two are tech/gaming related, as for what I like to play it’s pretty much Fallout for the most part and a touch of Destiny, Elite and the odd single player story.
Hey guys, I go by Deviouz. Am 33 y.o from the Dominican Rep. raised in NYC… My first console was the NES but the First console I fell in love with was the SNES. I have been with Xbox since day 1 after I saw a article in a magazine months before it came out. I joined FUNXBOX forums at that time and never looked back.
I got my Xbox first day in 01 and then became a Xbl beta tester when it was available. Eventho as a gamer first i still love playing my Nintendo Games and I was a real huge Playstation fan because of the twisted metal… Really miss that series…
Just wanted to say this place is great. It’s a pleasure to be here and I hope this can grow into something fruitful and beneficial for the community.
I’m ,hitting my 50th year all too soon, and based in the UK
Started off with a ZX81, then moved to a Dragon 32, Commodore 64, Amiga, PC
Have owned, and still have most knocking around somewhere, every single Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft Console and handheld.
I like tinkering and repairing 8 bit hardware and old arcade games in my spare time.
Jumped on XBL when it launched in the UK in 2003 and have been paying my subs ever since.
Game primarily on Xbox, but it was quite a close call at the beginning of this generation as I bought the one and ps4 at launch. I had considered swapping across to PS4 as primary console, but my Sons friends were all playing on Xbox, and as he wanted one for himself and with game sharing it was a no-brainer to save some $$. Xbox One X redeemed Microsoft for me.
Going in to next gen I will be there Day 1 for Series X, but somewhat uniquely don’t think I will be buying a Sony console at launch.
I’m nearly 50 started with a ZX81 too! Still remember the joys of trying to do 3d Monster Maze without screaming or knocking the 16k ram pak loose, as the thing was about twice as heavy as the ZX81 itself and made the whole thing rear up occasionally like a spooked Star Destroyer. Then I went onto the Electron, playing Elite in glorious mono, then I got into The Smiths and gaming went away until the PSX when I was helping to run Pink Planet Games into the dirt. Came to Australia in 2000 and have been mostly Xbox since.
What’s up everyone. I’m a root gamer started gaming before the Atari era. I’m a content creator & streamer. Enjoy talking about games It’s my favorite hobby. I enjoy all gaming but Halo changed my outlook on shooters & is one of my favorite franchises ever & Xbox is my primary console.
Hey everyone. 26 years old. Started gaming during the PS1 era and eventually moved on to PS2. Half way through that generation i got a OG Xbox and never looked back since. Gears multiplayer on Xbox 360 made me love the Xbox even more. Still a massive Gears fan (it’s my favourite first party game) but I’m also a big fan of games like Metal Gear Solid, Yakuza, Tekken, Crash Bandicoot, Halo and so on. I like all genres and always willing to give something a try. Glad to have a Xbox focused forum like this.
I’m absolutely adoring the variety and diversity seen so far. So many different origins, stories and tastes. Looking forward to chatting with all of you across the board
Same name everywhere, 38 y/o from Argentina. I have been into gaming since the Atari 2600 (!!) so it has been quite a ride so far. Excited for the future of MS studios, since i mostly play RPGs.