Introduce Yourselves!

Hello Xboxera I’m c10ne I have been trying to get in era even gaf for years I’m New to Forums even though I’m old but I Love Games when I have the chance to play Xboxera seems like the best option to connect with fellow Xbox gamers without all the crap that comes along with being an Xbox Gamer But I Love Games all around I just choose Xbox as a go-to thanks for having me lol


Greetings all.

I’m a 47 year old gaming veteran. I’ve been playing games since the 2600 days (I had a sears brand 2600 I believe). When I got the nes, I knew that video games were a medium that could provide a means of interactive storytelling unmatched by reading books or films. I’ve had most every system since, and have passed my love of gaming to my 2 daughters. I’m hopeful to have found a place where we can discuss games and our passion for the hobby. I’ve been a lurker at several forums over the years, and it’s so sad to see an industry that has brought me so much joy over the years, and helped me navigate through difficult times in my life, be relegated to a nasty war of fanboyism. I look forward to being a part of this fledgling community.


Hey all. I’m Gaz and I’m from the UK. I run a gaming aggregate site called GameOnDaily. I created the site to be hoke to more positive discourse as I think a lot of us know how toxicity can easily run rampant. I game on all platforms but at the moment mostly on PC.

Super hyped about the next gen consoles and mega hyped for Halo Infinite. Looking forward to making your acquaintance.


Hello, I’m Ramble because I ramble on.

I’ve been with Xbox since the beginning, hosting LAN parties that heavily featured Xbox system links for the mandatory Halo games.

I was late to Xbox this gen but loving it.

My favorite thing about Xbox is MS’s commitment to backwards compatibility.

My favorite franchises are Gears and Fable.

I like a lot of genres, but I don’t have good taste.

I just like to play games and try not to get to fussed about all the internet drama.


This is eastside49er.

Been gaming since the Atari2600 era, even though my first home console was the Pong system. This site has a very TeamXbox feel. I was one of the originals on that site and they had a great community until IGN took them down. Funny story, I knew nothing of XBOX before mid 2001. I stumbled upon it in my local Software Etc. and played a demo of Halo: CE. I had never seen anything like it on a console before. The graphics were stunning and the game was immersive. I was hooked. Pre-ordered my XBOX that day, with a copy of Halo:CE and then went looking on the internet for more information on XBOX. That is when I found TeamXbox.

I hope we can grow this community in the same light. This seems like a great group of gamers, with a positive attitude. Thanks for welcoming me aboard. :slightly_smiling_face: :handshake:


Hello, party people!

I’m Ratadad. Mid-30s parent who has been gaming since the NES released.

Grew up on a healthy diet of JRPGs and all things Zelda. But the combo of Mass Effect and Bioshock led me to purchase a 360 (Jasper console I believe) and I fell in love with that little machine.

Never played much Halo or Gears or Forza. Actually drifted away from gaming entirely for a decade or so, but I’ve been back for the last 6 years. Despite buying a PS4 as my re-entry into console gaming, I’ve spent way more hours on my Xbox One than the Sony offering.

I might not be the biggest fan of MS’ tent pole franchises, but I love the controller, GamePass, and Phil’s vision for the future of gaming.

Addicted to Destiny 2 (pretty much a solo player due to anxiety, but I’d love to raid and find a good group to play with), still love JRPGs and WRPGs, incredibly excited for the new Fable… Xbox offers me the most bang for my buck.

My kiddo has taken an interest in gaming over the last 2 years, and it’s been a blast getting to share the hobby with him as we play through various LEGO games.

My GT is the same as my name here, if you’re looking for some D2 shenanigans. Otherwise, don’t be a stranger! Always down to chat with the fine folks who share this hobby.


Hello! I’m Enric, 33yr old, born and raised in Barcelona until 6yrs ago when I moved to Marseille. I work as a physical therapist in a intensive care unit in one of France’s biggest hospitals.

I’ve always liked videogames. My first console was a Master System II, then Megadrive (around here I got my first PC too), then PS, PS2, made the jump to X360 because being cheaper while having most franchises I liked from PS2 and then some (Fable, Mass Effect, Lost Odyssey, Blue Dragon…), then I got Wii U for Xenoblade Chronicles X (reminded me too much of Macross to be able to resist. I still think it was worth it) and then got the One after BC was announced so I could keep playing Dark Souls and XCOM (and wanted Scalebound too… rest in peace, you were too beautiful for this world). Also have a Switch and waiting for XSX.

That said I was already interested in videogames before getting my first system. If I went anywhere with my parents that had an arcade cabinet they could just forget about me, I will not move from there (in hopes someone will play so I can watch).

Nice to see some familiar and new faces here. Hope we can have some great discussions

My GT is WhoCaresLtsPlay, feel free to add


With a bit of delay, but can I just say I am very, very happy you’re among us? Hope you’ll have a great time around here :slight_smile:


Happy to be here. Thanks for the invite. :slight_smile:


Names Okabe

…I’m not good at these so uh something something Capcom


Hello world :wave:


Hi all, big fan of Stellaris (thanks Game Pass!), Cities Skylines and Elite Dangerous (when they get the bugs sorted out that is).

I also love Forza 7 (was playing that a lot during the break in F1) and Gears 5, the latter is a tech-showcase for the Xbox One X and I can’t wait to see that on Xbox Series X.

I work as a Software Developer using MS tools and Azure, so it was kinda logical for me to get an Xbox 360 many years ago, been with Xbox since then, currently have a Xbox One X which is preparing for retirement later this year when the Series X is welcomed into my house.


Snap, same here, glad to see it wasn’t just me. Their loss, this forum looks great, thanks mods! :+1:


Alright, need to start with a G’day.

36 year old male from Brisbane, Australia. Child free by choice, self employed in the security industry which just funds the gaming habits of my wife Beck and I.

Started gaming with the Sega Master System (not the master system 2) and since then, Mega Drive, Mega CD, 32X and so on. Growing up as a kid with chronic asthma meant that gaming was my outlet while being in hospital.

In terms of here, I’ve been lurking on resetera since inception and neogaf for way too long.

Most of the time, all my comments and discussion points posted here come from my wife and I waxing lyrical on the gaming industry.


Greetings my name is Andrew from Indiana 26 years old been mainly a Nintendo guy ever since the SNES was introduced to Xbox through family with Halo combat evolved what’s funny about that is that I wasn’t into Xbox and halo that much my ignorance and as a kid blind devotion to Nintendo made me negative towards Xbox till my teen years sold my wii bought a 360 in 09 with halo 3 as I already played it before on my brother’s 360 then ever since then

I’ve been a diehard Xbox and Nintendo fan and that likely won’t change any time soon times were dark for us Xbox community till like 2017-2018 now Xbox is looking the brightest its ever been

Really looking forward to the bright future of Xbox series x starting with the franchise that defined Xbox! Halo infinite is my most anticipated game of 2020 by far seeing the gameplay got me hyped yea graphics needed more attention but loved what i saw looking forward to preorders and be on board with phil Spencer’s vision for future of Xbox

GT : HaloGaming08


Hi i’m Starlatine and i’m a legit angel. Honest to God, why would someone ever lie on the internet? I’m kinda old (three decades sparking joy in this earthly realm) but angels have no age anyway so thats fine.

I like Blinx and Path of Exile. I’m a very positive and optimistic person! Just don’t ask my opinion regarding things that are not Blinx and Path of Exile.

I also like Gilmore Girls, cute things and football teams that like to lose a lot cause it’s divine to care for the less fortunate. I dislike marbles and specially marble sports, but that’s okay cause playing sports with marbles is a sin. I have a xbox cause it was cheap and pcs are for work, and i have a switch cause i like rooftop parties. Games are fun, except when they aren’t. Everybody hang on tight cause 2020 is ending soon and we can erase it from our collective memories and live in a bright new future called 2021

Gamertag is the same as the nickname, but all i play is PoE so uhh, i don’t know why anyone would add it. Play World of Horror on GP, peeps!


Hello XboxEra, my name is Isaac and I’m a 23 years (Soon 24) old college student from California.

I’m a huge Xbox fan since the Xbox 360 days, although I also enjoy playing in PlayStation. I can’t wait for the new consoles to be release.

My favorite game series are Halo, Fable, Gears, Devil May Cry, Deus Ex, and Dark Souls.


Hello everyone, names Blake and I’m a 23 y/o from San Diego, California. I was always a long time lurker on the Resetera Xbox OT, but I think its finally time to make an account and start to actually engage with ya’ll.

I own all three current gen consoles but I mainly play on the Xbox One X (obvs).

I’m extremely excited for the future and seeing as how in just a few years, Xbox will be the place to play the big AAA western RPGs has me so pumped!

Some of my favorite games of this generation have been Sunset Overdrive, Nier Automata, Inside, The Evil Within 2, Ori and the Will of the Wisps, and Quantum Break.

Really happy to finally find a place to discuss all things gaming and Xbox!


I’m not the oldest evidently at 43 buy definitely not the youngest. I hail fro “parts unknown” aka Texas. I started playing the Vidya games on the Atari and very briefly on the commodore 64. I’ve played/owned most of the major systems. Every gen of Xbox, PS, Sega, and Nintendo console (even the 32x). Moving towards PC and Xbox lately.

I love horror movies, books, and games. Super excited about the medium. My GOAT is currently SotN but I love the Legacy of Kain series almost as much.

My favorite thing about Xbox is the sheer amount of coop experiences they make. Games I can play with my son and my friends. My name is pretty much governergrimm everywhere. Picked it up playing city of heroes back in the day.

I am an electrical engineer that decided to go back to school in my late 30’s and have an entirely different trajectory now.


Hi all,

I am Staffy, I use this name because I love Stafford dogs. Been gaming ever since I can remember, it all started with Atari PC, handhelds like Lynx and Game Boy, SNES, N64, PS1 and then came Xbox and ever since that moment Xbox has been my go to console. My birthday is soon, on August 12 I turn 38. Furthermore I hope to have a great time here.