Introduce Yourselves!

Welcome to all of you! Great to see so many new faces in this thread :slight_smile:

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Welcome, fellow European!

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Opps, deleted my own intro haha while trying to edit…

Where do I start? Gaming since Atari 2600 and Commodore 64 days, former Producer on Minecraft, Creator of Defense Grid: The Board Game, working on a solo video game project.

Ohh and Xbox fan since before anyone knew it was a thing. Won a Japanese Xbox backpack at the internal CES Announcement event at Microsoft, one of the first 20 accounts on Xbox Live Alpha (still have the orange memory card somewhere) and just about to hit 200k Gamescore.


Welcome to the community. Hope you will enjoy your time with us

Welcome to the forums! It’s always great to have another OG here :slight_smile:

Welcome. If you’ve got any interesting stories or pictures from the early days of Xbox, it’d be great if you could share over at the History of Xbox thread.

haha, I was looking at that thread. Sadly most of my pictures are buried on never developed physical film somewhere in my house. Mostly photos from E3 2006 (1 year after release).

I also have some “cough cough” knowledge of stuff I probably should never share regarding fuck ups around launch and a couple of acquisitions attempts that failed haha.

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Hi all,

I’ve been playing games practically since I was 5, took a few years off from serious gaming when I was in college, and then jumped back in afterwards. I’ve owned every PlayStation and Nintendo home console to this point (sans Wii U), but never owned an Xbox.

That changed last week when I picked up a Series X through Xbox All Access. I knew I had to jump in with how much of a value Game Pass has become, full of not only newer stuff, but those series I never got to play before being outside of the Xbox ecosystem. (Halo, Gears, Forza, Fable, etc.)

Feel free to shoot me a friend request (on any platform!), as my list is quite bare at the moment. My gamer tag is Hergershimer. I’m mostly online past midnight US East time. I’ve been playing mainly single player games, but I’m open to some multiplayer suggestions. Happy to be here!



You should really try the Ori games!

Oh, and welcome :slight_smile:


Hello there, I just bumped into this website while surfing on the internet. The forum looks very cool and modern, I didn’t even imagine to find newborn forums in 2022, great surprise! I decided to sign in even if I don’t have an Xbox (at the moment), just for the community and gaming talk. Oh, I’m not a native english speaker so I may do some grammar errors or typos.

Read you around!



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It’s a great place.


Hello there!

I am pretty new to the Xbox side of things, and have pretty much exclusively been gaming on Nintendo and Playstation platforms for the longest time. Long story short, I have dropped Playstation in favour of Xbox last year, and have decided to join this community talk about the platform and upcoming games.

I mostly enjoy playing RPGs and action games. Currently looking forward to Starfield and Avowed. Oh, and Perfect Dark, as well as MachineGames’ Indiana Jones project, whenever those will be ready.



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Welcome to our community! Feel free to ask if you’ve got any questions.


Hi all! I’m new here, like some people above I’ve recently moved over from playstation to xbox and haven’t owned one since 2008 so looking forward to catching up!


I never introduced myself. Hello everyone! I am Scrawnton (on Xbox live I am AntonHtz add me!)

I have type 1 diabetes which would explain why some times I say dumb crap because of mood swings. I also have two very young children so it takes away from some of my multiplayer game time, so I mostly stick to slow paced RPGs that I can pause.

I game on all consoles, but I have been with Xbox since the beginning. I 100% miss my halo and 007 nightfire lan parties.


Welcome to you both @Neuro and @Scrawnton - this is a pretty cool place, make yourselves at home.

Hello everybody!

I just signed to this wonderful community. I like the XBOXERA site very much, which is one of the best XBOX sites out there. I have an ecosystem of 5 XBOXes, 3 XBOX One S and 2 XBOX Series S. I love them both. At the moment I am playing Far Cry Classic (HD 360 Version) and 9 Monkeys of Shaolin.

I have also just created on Facebook a new group for XBOX One S called “XBOX One S Worldwide Gaming”, where everybody is welcome.

I am here for the fun of beeing a member in an XBOX community.