Always had high confidence in Machine Games. I‘m stoked for the team and can‘t wait to play.
I think they did an awesome job in a respectable development cycle and with a great 1 year lead-up. I‘ll never understand the Gamescom ‘one more thing‘ announcement but honestly, it‘s so much more important that the game is great.
I’m trying to reduce the yellow outlines on interactive objects and can’t seem to even though I see some options in the advanced menu’s.
Anyone got settings where the outline objects is way way more subtle? It is kind of breaking my immersion to look around and see that huge outline glow on objects
Up to Giza. Overall, enjoying the game for the most part. The visuals, audio and story/characters thus far have all been excellent. No issues with any of it. Machine Games definitely nailed what Indiana Jones is about and Troy Baker is putting on one hell of a performance which isn’t surprising at all. The puzzles are great, exploration is really good but the combat isn’t for everyone. The game is more Dishonored/Prey meaning more of an immersive sim as opposed to an action packed Uncharted or Tomb Raider game.
The melee combat is fine but my issues are that you need to do stealth a lot which im not really into doing with most games including this one, there’s also disguises like Hitman that are story related and you can be detected by captains or higher ranking guards, etc. So while im enjoying the game and the gameplay in terms of puzzles, platforming and exploration is really good, the pure combat for me personally isn’t. Too many things annoy me in this regard. Based on how I rate/score games, it’s looking like an 8-8.5. Still a ways to go yet though.
Looking forward to giving it a go at some point, but dont feel the urge to rush to it.
Looks like my fears on the AI were correct to have. The AI look literally useless and so dumb. Also knowing that AI respawn when you back track to an area puts me off too, I might even hold off to see if theyd patch it.
It’s hard to put it into words, but the AI is like…deliberately “video-gamey”. You can toy with them, and hoodwink them with relative ease. It’s quite purposeful, in order to promote adventure and fun, not “you must be Sam Fisher” to progress.
Yeah I get that, and I get why they have gone that way. People have different tolerances for this stuff, and sadly mine is low. Its the main reason I couldn’t finish Spider-Man 2… id be webbing enemies up left right centre and no one would react. I watched a video of Indy grabbing his hat and enemies who killed him turned their back and stood there to be hit again. These things kinda take me out the experience.
Has a great metacritic so I am thrilled for the team, I just personally dont feel a need to “rush” to it if that makes sense? Not sure if the release date has something to do with it either, theres just so many other things out right now.
Perhaps I am being harsh though. Ill of course reserve full judgement till I try it on Gamepass. Could end up blowing my socks off.
I;m a ways in, though still in The Vatican (sort of). Really enjoying it.
Combat is definitely it’s weakest suit, but then the choice of first person sort of doomed the combat from a melee point of view. It’s like going into a certain set at school, knowing that whatever score you get in your paper, you’ll only get a maximum of a grade B.
That said, whatever limitations it placed on combat, it really works to elevate the puzzle elements, which on balance, was the right choice.
To me, the games’ greatest strength is it’s tone. It FEELS like an Indiana Jones adventure. The writing is great, I’ve laughed many times already.
Pfewww, wow… I swear I feel like that game is putting a smile on my face at every corner.
Intro is “wow, OK, it’s bold but I’ll allow it”. First level is a taste of what’s to come. Second open level is like throwing you in a big sandbox letting you explore it at your own pace. And then it’s a rollercoaster ride. And I’m still on the second level… “Dios mio”, it’s perfect !! They nailed everything. Everything.
First person perspective was actually the best choice they could have made. The movement, the combat, the animations are so good for a FPP game. It plays great with a good use of transition between FPP and TPP, so it feels like you’re Indy ! One of the best adventure game I played so far ! I can’t stop playing.
Well so far this is my GOTY, I’m a few quests deep into the Giza area and it has been a joy to play and hard to put down over the weekend.
This is what games are supposed to be like, it looks great, has a great story, great writing, great characters and it is polished and plays great day one.
Loving the hit reactions here, this is what I’d love to see in TES VI. It’s a lot better in Starfield compared to Skyrim already, but this really is the way.
Started right before passing out last night; am loving the intro so far and I’m constantly picking my jaw off the floor. Cannot wait to dive further in.
Just started today and am currently infiltrating Santangelo. I climbed up on a rooftop, no idea if everyone has to since there’s so many paths you can take, and Indy says “Nice view.”
Just wanted to post my appreciation of that, as I often find myself simply plowing ahead and not stopping to smell the roses. In gaming, but in life too if I’m being honest. Anyway, Indy saying that (impeccable Harrison Ford impression, btw) made me stop and look around, and it really is a beautiful game.
It’s like Ferris says, life moves pretty fast, if you don’t stop and and look around once in a while, you might miss it.
Played a straight 6 hour session. Oh yeah. Oh yeah baby. This is what I’ve been itching to play. This is exactly it. These dudes were making this game precisely for me. I used to pray for times like this.
Now off to a week of being consumed by and doing absolutely everything I can in this world. See y’all!