IGN: Gears 5 Series X update brings New Game+; story DLC coming later this year

The campaign DLC shipping like 1 month after launch says to me that they probably also planned this as a launch thing and it got slightly delayed because it couldn’t quite make it in time. I got the same vibe from Bloober’s The Medium, also shipping December.

In the alternate universe where Covid never spread globally, I could imagine that the Xbox Series launch might have been Gears Tactics, The Medium, Halo Infinite and Gears 5 Campaign DLC, which would have been a pretty excellent lineup.

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Oh, okay. Maybe 2 main guns, handgun and a melee weapon so 4 slots overall. I didn’t like the melee weapon replacing a main gun. That’s what made me wish there was a weapon wheel instead.

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I agree with this.

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I’m cool with that.

Holy crap!!! We agree on something!!! lol :slight_smile:

I’ve always liked the Gears dpad stuff. But I wonder if you could map “quick fire” grenade to double tap (or long press) of the grenade directional button. You’d still have a reason to switch to precision aim it or stick.

Some contact shadows goodness on XSX :yum:

Source : https://www.ign.com/videos/gears-5-xbox-series-x-and-xbox-one-contact-shadows-comparison

So happy to see this! I really enjoyed Gears 5, both the linear and the open parts, and thought the changes they made (Jack, tone) were mostly great. I even had fun with a little Gears versus for the first time ever. And it’s so pretty!

Now I get to replay the whole thing + DLC on my new TV with Series X… Drool. Also looking forward to trying out the 120 FPS mode.

This would fuck up the multiplayer balance, they did this with Judgment and it didn’t add anything to the game…instead it broke the MP. Not every game has to control the same you know.

Also I still don’t get why so many people dislike so much the “open world” segments/acts…first of all the open segments were not that big so even if you didn’t want to explore or take your time in 5 mins (with some pretty good dialogue between the characters to make the 5 mins pass faster) you are in the next mission but if you wanted to explore there were Jack upgrades, some really fun relic weapons to find plus some really cool combat encounters scattered around (with a Jack ability as a reward) so none of the collectibles were useless crap like a lot of open world game do. I personally liked the opportunities of slowing down the pace that the open segments provided (without getting in the way if you didn’t want that) and I thought that they added a better sense of place and scale to the world of Gears.

What is even more weird is that apparently going from point A to point B in 5 mins is a big problem for Gears 5 but almost everyone was totally OK with the slow ass boat at God of War 2018. :thinking:

As to which Act is the best, Act 2 is the best act in any Gears ever IMO. Lot’s of variety on pacing, enemy encounters/combat scenarios, set-pieces and even visually considering the snowy theme make this a god tier Act.

Can’t wait for NG+, higher difficulties and of course the new SP DLC with the Hivebusters team. :nerd_face:

I dunno, the way Gears 5 went sounded to me they wanted to focus from kait and back at Marcus indeed.

Even without making THAT choice, the overall arch feels like. OK kids, you had your fun but now it’s time for the big guys to get in the front line again.

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Oh man, that would be great! But I don’t know, her story isn’t exactly over yet, or is it? I mean the…

parts where she was influenced by the beast. The queen? That made her attack her friends in the snow part,act 2 i believe.

We never really got a conclusion to that, unless i misremember and that would mean i’m getting old, it’s not even a year ago, haha.

That was handled, quite abruptly I’d say, that’s one of the reasons I think they want to be done with her as the lead.

She finds out it was that female Berserker that was mind controlling her, but it was just a ploy to fully wake her mother as the locust queen and not for her to become it herself (which I imagine was a backup plan in case her mother died)

See, i already forgotten about that. It happening abruptly is likely the reason.

Well, i would be very ok with it if they move on. Marcus as lead would be SO good. Marcus is just awesome. Soon as he made his entrance in 4 i got a big smile on my face. The new ‘‘kids’’ were alright, they did their thing but now daddy is taking it from here. Hopefully. Actually i do hope that other dude appears more in 6, what was his name…he kinda had a big mouth, haha.

Faz? He grew a LOT on me in Gears 5.

TBH I liked all of the new kids, except Del. I thought they would take the chance of him being the exclusive sidekick for the first 2 acts and develop him, but no. A blood puddle from a dismembered locust is deeper than him even after you spending more than half the game with him on your side.


Yeah that’s true. JD and Kait are cool and have grown on me as well, but as soon as Marcus appears again…i don’t know, he’s just on another level. Absolutely loved when the old squad returned too. For 6 i wouldn’t mind a team consisting of Marcus and Faz and maybe JD and Kait too. I wonder what ends up being canon. Did TC ever elaborate on it?

He said that they will honor your choice and make it stick, but acknowledged that brings lots of narrative challenges. So I guess we will have to wait and see how they pull it off.


They could always have different controller configurations that would allow players to play the old school way in MP. I don’t play online so all I care about is the story campaign and using the directional pad and being so limited was great during the Xbox 360 era but now, feels old, outdated and obsolete to me.

As for the open acts, I did enjoy ACT II which looked great but ACT III looked so bland and boring. Reminded me of MGS 5 to be honest which isn’t a good thing. Also, majority of the content was just filler and upgrades for Jack. In my opinion, it didn’t add anything to the game. Some stuff should be evolved, Gears being anything but a linear story driven third person cover based shooter is not one of them.

The open areas simply doesn’t fit Gears. As for God of War 2018, that’s my second best game of the generation. Simply a superb game. Boat made sense though because of the world you’re in and it was the first game in a “rebooted” God of War. Not the 5th (or 6th if you count Judgment) game in a series.

Act 2 was great but I did prefer and enjoy Act 1 and Act 4 more. Absolutely despised Act 3 and couldn’t wait to get out of that Act. Also, there should have been a linear Act between 2 and 3 to break up the open area stuff and include an action set piece or something because while I enjoyed Act 2, back to back open areas was a turn off to me.

No interest in NG+ and whatnot as I don’t replay games. I am however very much looking forward to the Hivebusters story expansion though.

I just don’t get why the d-pad is limiting you as a player, grenades on Gears are op as fuck so having to select them instead of throwing them with RB is a risk/reward thing in MP especially since Gears is not as fast as a FPS game. As I already mentioned Judgment already did that and it added absolutely nothing of value to the game.

What content was filler? the water pumps side-mission had some great battles and all the main missions were great at Act 3, Rocket Hangar in particular is one of the best missions of the game. Also Jack upgrades are not fillers, Jack is a great addition to the Gears gameplay and is a very useful tool at the higher difficulties.

As I said the open world segments are just hubs that give you access to the missions so if you don’t enjoy the exploration and stuff you can always just go from main mission to main mission in minutes. I still don’t see the big problem here…is the open world map existence that bothers you? if you can bypass what you find as tedious and not fitting to the Gears formula what is the problem? in any case the meat of the game (just like every other game in the series) are the main missions and The Coalition did a great job on creating varied and high quality combat scenarios/set pieces for Gears 5.

I don’t get the GoW 2018 is a reboot but Gears 5 isn’t argument…the skiff and the boat are exactly the same things design wise. Don’t get me wrong I didn’t have a problem with the boat at GoW 2018 and I actually really enjoyed the dialogue between Kratos, Atreus and Mimir and the whole slowing down the pace between actions.


The D-Pad is limiting the player because you only have to two main weapons and if you wanted to carry/use the melee weapon, you had to drop one of the main guns. That’s ridiculous to me. There can be preset controller configurations for the campaign and for MP. This way, neither is affected by the other.

I only used Jack when I had to which was very rare for me. The open areas to me seemed to be that way just for the sake of adding content to the game. Give me 5 acts, pure linear with a tighter story and gameplay going from one area/section to the next and im good. The snow ACT II was good but ACT III, not so much. By then, it overstayed it’s welcome and was simply boring and bland. Overall, it’s not what Gears was, is or should be. Stealth should not exist in Gears. That’s just stupid, doesn’t fit and adds nothing to the game. Melee could be good but it was so damn limited in Gears 5, it defeated the point and purpose of even having it to begin with plus, you lose a gun when picking up the melee weapon. The durability makes it worse because the Warden and use it an unlimited amount of times but the player can’t? That’s just bad design in my opinion.

God of War was an overhead isometric hack and slash game with a fixed camera. God of War 2018 is almost like a brand new franchise. Gears 5 is still Gears as it’s core but the additions were more subtractions that anything. The Skiff was fine but I would have preferred maybe some enemies having a vehicle of their own and going after you here and there. Instead, it’s pointless because the two areas didn’t need to be open world like.

As for the boat in God of War, the main difference is that the boat is needed for traversal throughout the game and as you lower the water level, you get access to other locations. It all fits within one world map (kind of like a Yakuza game where it’s usually just one map) where as the open areas in Gears 5 to me felt more out of place than anything.

Gears 5: Hivebusters should be a fully linear experience which is what I want from Gears. For Gears 6, I prefer a weapon wheel so im not limited or restricted especially if they improve on the melee combat and weapons which if they keep, they definitely need to.

Why? He was one of the coolest parts of the game.

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