I jumped back in!

I loved Horizon Zero Dawn. My 2017 goty. 4th best game of the generation for me. ReCore was above average at best. I bought and played it at launch. It wasn’t anything special. Quit it after a few hours. Gave it a second chance when the ReCore Definitive Edition was released and it still had issues and I remember the end game being a grind to get a certain amount of cores to beat the game and im like, come on.

ReCore was an excellent idea and concept but poorly execution.

Late welcome :blush:

Recore was a very good game IMO…great gameplay, likable characters, interesting world/lore plus the last level has some of the top platforming sections of the last generation. It’s too bad it launched in a really bad state that tainted it’s reputation plus the budget constraints were really apparent especially in the presentation of the game. A sequel has a lot of potential to be really great and fill the gap on a genre that is lacking on Xbox but I am not sure MS and Phil has any intention to give a second chance to the IP. Well at least we got the Definitive Edition so that’s something I guess. :frowning:

Also welcome! :nerd_face:

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