Making this thread to see if Im not the only one feeling like this lately regarding my xbox and its library. Got tons of stuff I want to play but Id rather just wait and get a better experience come November with the Series X.
Wasteland 3 - reduced loads times
Outer Worlds - Tackle DLC with series x enhancements and less load times.
Borderlands 3 - 4K60fps update.
Witcher 3 dlc’s - Series X enhancements.
Loads of backwards compatible games with enhancements.
Im actually trying to get through as much as possible right now because when the series x comes out I know Im going to be overwhelmed by Watch Dogs, Valhalla and Cyberpunk.
I could play Wasteland 3 on PlayStation 4 Pro if I wanted to buy it but why would I when im day one for Series X? Also have The Outer Worlds but I’ll wait.
I will be playing Dishonored 2 starting Thursday. Mafia Remake on the 25th and Middle-Earth: Shadow of War in October to wrap up current gen. Then, I’ll just wait for November 10th.
No, OP, you’re not. I’m only playing One X enhanced 360 games or online co-op games my kid and friends want to play. The rest are on a firm hold pending Series X.
No you are not. I’m waiting for the next generation to play many of the games in the last few years. But that is because I just have a PS4 and 1S, and neither is really up to snuff these days
You grab Mafia Remake too? I already bought it for around 25$. I’m torn between playing it day one or waiting to see if it will be updated.
Dishonored is really great. Awesome game awesome art direction.
Also don’t miss on Prey and its extension absolutely phenomenal game. Really cheap now. You should really consider playing it (in survival it is the best) if you do then come back and tell me what you thought about it later
I can’t relate directly since I mostly play on PC, but I will be waiting for the new enhancements to come to The Witcher 3 before I go ahead and play Blood & Wine. I want to try the RT and HDR support.
Not yet. I will buy it the morning it releases, download it and then start playing it. I love the Mafia series and this is the only one that I have never played so it’s an easy purchase. I thought about waiting but unless they announce an upgrade/cross-gen version before the 25th, I’ll just buy and play it.
I played and completed Dishonored earlier this year. Want to play and wrap up Dishonored 2 before Mafia Remake. No interest whatsoever in Prey. Sorry bud.
Have never played a BioShock game. Until the PS4/Xbox One generation, I barely if ever played first person games of any kind. Before this generation, I only played Far Cry 3, Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon, Jurassic: The Hunted and Metro Last Light. So basically four games.
This generation, I played and completed 22 or so. Plus an additional 4 from last gen (Rage, Dishonored, Metro 2033 and COD 4: MW. I do have the entire Halo series that I want to play but that’s because im hyped to play Halo Infinite and want to play through the entire series before then.
I’m doing this with X360 games such as Lightning Returns or Deadly Premonition. I really don’t like how long it takes to get rolling in X360 games due to loading, etc so I’m hoping the new consoles address this significantly.
I will be starting with Halo Reach then Halo CE, Halo 2, Halo 3, Halo 4 and Halo 5: Guardians. I bought, played and completed Metro Exodus back at launch. Great 8.5/10 for me. Very pleased that THQ Nordic acquired them as they were a top 5 publisher for me the current generation. Looking forward to Metro 4 but they do need to make their gameplay and shooting mechanics more fluid and responsive. Plus, have Artyom talk throughout the game instead of in between chapters. Other than those two aspects, everything else was great.