Hogwarts Legacy |OT|

Eden Ring sold like 15-20 million copies so far. Hogwarts Legacy is pulling ahead of even that, so it gone to do 20-30 million in the same time frame it took Elden ring to sold 15-20 million? that fucking crazy. They have a monster cash cow on their hands.

I have to say, I did under estimate the popularity of the franchise. That or more like compare to the likes of Star Wars, which I think itā€™s bigger, so you would think Hogwarts will do great about that. So yeah, Iā€™m a bit surprised.

When was the last time there was a good Hogwarts game

Point taken. In fact, thatā€™s probably the reason for the huge attach rate.

Not only that, it pulls people in who doesnā€™t give a shit about HP. It seems to be a really good game.

It seem the boycott backfire. It seem to be pulling in people even more because of the boycott fuss.

The game overall though is a 7.8 out of 10 for me. You canā€™t really be evil as i wanted to be and the choices have no consequences. It RPG elements is really lacking. Nothing close to a Bethesda RPG.

Why are people surprised by the sales? Its Harry Potter

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Hogwarts Legacy is going to be in the top 3 for sales in 2023 along with Spider Man 2 and COD 2023. It appears that itā€™s doing insane numbers and this is just with Xbox Series, PlayStation 5 and PC availability. Comes to PS4/XBO in April and Switch in July. Wouldnā€™t be surprised or shocked to see this game be the best selling game of 2023 when all is said and done.


Hogwarts has way more mainstream appeal so should sell more. If anything ER numbers were stupid. I seriously doubt half the people who bought ER even beat the first boss.

Sometimes gamers really surprise me, because I would have assumed the same. I would have anticipated 30% at most.

I bought my younger brother a Steam card for Christmas and he bought Elden Ring with it. That caught me slightly off guard because heā€™s a very casual Overwatch/Fornite/Sports games kinda guy.

Unsurprisingly, heā€™s played about 30 minutes of the game since then, lol :skull:

A high amount of players actually did clear the game though. On Xbox, I donā€™t think any of the ending achievements are rare. Ranniā€™s ending has the highest completion rate though, that ending is basically unreachable without a guide which suggests most players are using a guide (no shame there, I did lol).

Finished the game 2 days ago, and Iā€™m on like 38 of 45 achievments.

It really falls off hard by the end, the ending is very rushed, thereā€™s even like a ā€œjokeā€ moment during the last few missions(not gonna spoil) that makes no sense at all. Its awfully written, Idk if it was actually rushed during development or they didnt know how to end it properly.

Game is great but after 50 hours you start seeing even more how freakin broken this game is. Revelio bugs out completely, the inputs dont work, protego will spam itself for no reason, doors wont open,achievments wont track properly,etc you have to be constantly loading saves to fix it.
I guess its probably related to how the game keeps track of everything and just broke itself. (its not as broken as a Bethesda game, its playable, but makes me not want to go back to it ever again)

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If it was Square, they probably would still feel disappointed.


What kind of crap is hours played. Tell us sales numbers.

Your wish has been granted.



Massive numbers for Hogwarts Legacy on only three platforms. Still has PS4/XBO and Switch in April and July respectively. I can easily see this game hitting 20m before 2023 ends.

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I must be living in an alternate universe. Playing it on performance mode and it looks great and in 22 hours Iā€™ve had zero bugs that I know of. My only complaint is the broom and why itā€™s controls are split on the two thumbsticks, crazy decision.

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A friend gifted me a copy of it this week (they are a huge HP fan and I told them I have never watched or read any HP stuff). Been playing it yesterday and today. Super enjoyable.

I have hit a few bugs though, a few where I had to close out and reload the game. The most recent one was after beating the boss in the first trial the bridge you need to leave the room didnt come down. Pieces of it were juts floating in the air. I jumped off the edge a few times and then it moved like 3/4 of the way, but still didnt finish. Reloaded, oh, there it goes.


Depends how the switch version is honestly. Shame it didnt come out everywhere same time. I feel the staggered release will hurt sales on those platforms.

Perhaps but even if they lose sales from PS4/XBO, chances are those people will just buy it for PS5/XS. The staggered release in a way is good because it will keep the game in the news cycle at least through the summer. And if they end up releasing DLC once all the versions are released, they will stay in the news for all of 2023.