Has GamePass, PSPLUS, PSNOW, EA PLAY, etc impacted your willingness to pay full price for games?

What’s a full priced game? 60 or 70$? I’m at a point where I will only buy 1-2 60$ games a year. I’ve never spent 70$ on a game, and never plan too.

When I buy a ps5 next year I will play some of the games I missed last gen while I wait for current game prices to drop. I’ve beaten spiderman, god of war, and last of us on ps now(on my laptop). I’ll play horizon, GOT, last of us 2, ratchet and clank remake before I look at their new stuff.

Honestly I’m fairly cautious on what I spend full price on nowadays, I’ll spend it on my fav franchises like Star Wars, Mortal Kombat & Halo etc. So game pass has been a life saver for me.

With or without GamePass I’m cautious on what I spend my money on. One of the reasons I don’t have a PS5 is because of the £70 tag on new games.

Honestly I am the same now I think about it. Hell I don’t even remember the last time I spent full price on a game? I bought Star Wars Squadrons last year but that only retailed for £35

I don’t think i’ll ever spend 70 bucks on a game. Unless its a Collectors

Physical I buy full priced games often. But They have resale value in the future. Just bought Nier Replicant on Xbox. I’m absolutely certain the physical copy for Xbox will be rare in the future. I still have copy of Attack on Titan FB for Xbox One and that thing is 80 dollars + online.

Same with Judgement for Xbox.

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I love watching these arguments and polls from the outside in.

For us in India, most games are out of our budget.

A game on release costs almost a quarter of an average wage in India. Gamepass matters!

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Every other thing looks stupid. A 4000 Rs game will be 13% of my monthly salary :joy:

I am so happy with give only ₹600 every month.

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Yes, definitely. Game Pass Ultimate costs R$45 here in Brasil. A full price game costs R$350, around 1/3 of the minimum wage. It’s almost impossible for a normal person to pay for games here. If it wasn’t for Game Pass I would probably be pirating games on PC to have something to play lol


Yes, if I don’t preorder or buy a game in the first 3 days I wait for game pass. Doesn’t matter if it’s a game I really want like sekiro or immortal fenyx rising unless it drops to $25. $25 is when I buy.

Absolutely. I haven’t bought a full priced non-Nintendo game since maybe 2017?

Absolutely. I used to buy every major game in the world. Now? I hand pick a couple a year and that’s it. This year is Resident Evil Village for Xbox, Ratchet on PS5, and I dunno, maybe Battlefield 6 if that Game Pass rumor doesn’t pan out. I want the Mass Effect remaster but I’m not sure yet.

Game Pass is perfect for someone like me, I’ve bought a lot of games day 1 at full price play them for 2 weeks then drop them without even finishing them. I’ve stopped doing this now that I have GP and it’s saving me a lot of money. Now this doesn’t mean I no longer buy games at all it’s just I have stopped impulse buying games. Games so far I’ve bought for Series X is AC:V and Watch Dogs, I’ve been mostly been playing games I already own, or just GP games.

Games I’ll probably buy this year is COD(maybe) BF6 (if it’s not on GP) can’t really think of any other games as of right now to be honest.

I’ve never payed full price for games, and I don’t even pay full price for GP. I think $15/mo is too much as well. I pay 1/2 price for a three month card, and usually wait until there are at least three to four games on GP I really want to play before spending one. I’m honestly probably set for the next two to three years currently before any future sales

The only games I consider paying full price for is Nintendo. And I’m picky about that as well