Halo TV Series arrives March 24th on Paramount+. Full Trailer now Online

Cortana looks so bad. What the hell


This is called “The Silver Timeline” so anything can happen in the show.

Unknown if it will loosely adapt the plots of the games or go it’s own way.


Halftime now, Halo trailer imminent



Nah not CW but TV production especially for sci-fi can still be inconsistent sometimes like that… unless you’re HBO.

It looks good for a Paramount show… which is like bargin basement HBO.

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How many episodes is the series supposed to be? Will all episodes be released on March 24th or is it weekly? Thanks.

One a week probably for 8 - 10 episodes. Probably expensive for a Paramount show.

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That’s the one thing that I didn’t get

Man the Halo TV show vs Last of Us TV Show fanboy bullshit is gonna be something.

Arguing the merits of what console is better based on the screen adaptions of it’s IP.

Fallout vs TLOU is the better call tbh.

  • Both for major services.
  • Both with deep involvement of the original creators.
  • Both with prestige talent behind the scenes.
  • Both more grounded worlds.
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Yup that’s mostly Showtime for you. They do decent human shows but fall short on any great special effects. Which may explain why they didn’t continue with the Penny Dreadful main story, required too large of a budget for special effects.

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Look like Stargate- SG1 and I mean that in the best way possible.

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Wow I thought the Uncharted movie looked bad. But this, this is just an insult. It’s obvious that Paramount+ was not the way to go. Looks budget AF, and doesn’t come anywhere near the visual quality of the Mandalorian, which should be the standard for any big production sci-fi series. And my god, Cortana…… what did they do to you. It’s just a bummer

Paramount+ Originals release first 2-3 episodes at once first and the rest once a week. A weird model for sure.


I mean this started as a 300+ million movie between HBO and Paramount before languishing in dev hell for 15+ years and ended up on Showtime.

It’ll be FINE, but not great.

1883 feels like an HBO show tbh

That doesn’t require lots of SFX/

I thought it looked really good :man_shrugging:

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I will give it a chance. Hope it surprises me but I dont expect it to