Halo Switching Engine to Unreal?

It’s slightly facetious Mike, and while no one specifically said “only Slipspace has tech debt”, I challenge you to find any other instance of the buzzword not referencing Slipspace here save for my post.

The only people to mention tech dept are I and Tavish and neither of us use it as a buzzword. It also doesn’t make sense for any other engine outside of UE and Slipspace to be discussed in a thread about UE and Slipspace.

You may want to use the search function… it’s really handy. Also, I never said in this thread exclusively, and many of the commentators that have used it across the forums have discussed so in here. Maybe take a breath?

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I did use the search function.

I’m fine. It just didn’t make sense for you to address what other people are saying on other forums here and assume others will know without any context. But we’ll go with that.

I think it helps if the term ”tech debt” is searched correctly (you’re typing and searching “tech dept” - like department as opposed to debt). See the following of just the most general search:

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Yeah that’s my bad. I typed it correctly the first time and got similar results as my original screenshot. I just mispelled it when getting the screenshot. Again what threw me off was the lack of context.

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I blame the ever-worsening autocorrect algorithms… Catherine and I have taken screenshots of our new phones’ autocorrect mishaps because they’re just so random… and bad.

That 100% for sure did happen, as per someone who was there when that happened told us.

This is why I wonder if it’d be possible to update Slipspace to have a UE-like interface on the dev side of things without changing the underlying engine. Might be able to sidestep the contractor issue that way like you said while still retaining Slipspace as what is doing the computations/etc. Seems totally plausible on the surface but who knows. Maybe even that is too complex. Then again, we do know there are some UI elements for the engine that already overlap in style like the Forge scripting GUI for instance is similar to what UE pioneered.


So now you have not only to update Slipspace to your needs, you have to update it according to UE specs. That sounds like a shit ton of work for what benefit?

It was part of a leak, when we were hearing about the different things 343 supposedly tried to do with Infinite. Could the leak/rumor be false? Sure, but hearing that UE doesn’t have the capability to 1 to 1 copy Slipspace, makes this rumor/leak more tangible TO ME AND ONLY ME, IF 343 EVER ACTUALLY TRIED USING EU.

I doubt UE5 is getting radical UI overhauls routinely. Benefit is to position contractors to be able to easily work with it instead of having to have a new batch of them learning Slipspace every 18 months and losing tons of time on that.

I was referring to the info you noted about them using it in the past, which is 100% something we know took place. Wrt this new rumor, it doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to me unless it is just a UI kinda thing, but I dunno if that is plausible either since it requires some work and they might not have the availability to make those changes atm.

If you are just meaning to say that the fact they played around with UE in the past for Infinite makes this new rumor more plausible, I agree w/that for sure. Still feel like we are missing some crucial context around this new rumor though. Also to echo something @KageMaru said, it does feel slightly weird that 343 didn’t debunk this yet. Normally this is exactly the kinda thing they would be on top of disconfirming via twitter/Reddit.

Maybe they are merely playing with UE again now for whatever reason and that is causing some confusion + a hesitancy to debunk it outright? /shrugs

To be fair to 343i, they have not officially acknowledged Project Tatanka at all, at least not yet.

IMO, I would say it is up to Certain Affinity, the ones leading the project, to address this as the rumour is primarily related to Project Tatanka.

343 is the one making calls on what info to make public for all things Halo. It also depends on what specific rumors we are talking about, since it seems the initial rumor (saying Infinite was switching engines) has been scaled back to now be about The Endless and/or Tatanka. Personally, I find it hard to imagine Tatanka will change engines this late in the game since it was targeting a soon-ish release and they were still using Slipspace for it as of February apparently, which was already ~2 yrs into dev at the time.

Yeah, I find it hard to believe the rumours too. Also, Jez had the following to say:



Coupled with the fact that Max Hoberman himself acknowledged that their unannounced mode/project is for Halo Infinite in a very recent interview, it makes me question the rumour. I think it is a ‘crossed wires’ type situation happening here imo.


There’s been rumours of some Halo spin off title in production, maybe that uses Unreal and is the source of the confusion?

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I honestly don’t know why the public needs to know what engine they are using for upcoming games. Because Infinite isnt going to get 10 years of support? I am sure they’ll continue to support it until the next game hits (which will be at best the tail end of the generation).


Yeah, I remember Jez mentioning this a few times before on the Xbox Two podcast. It would be quite funny if that ended up being the case.

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Nice catch on the update. I wonder if they are gonna explore UE maybe just for The Endless and treat that as an ODST-style (in scope) spin off and use it as a UE test bed for the series.

Hard to tell if The Endless itself will be a spin-off or there is an entirely unknown separate spin-off title that may be experimenting with UE.

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