Classic Resist lol.
I have no idea if it’s true or not. It certainly doesn’t make sense when it comes to Halo Infinite and Forge. Future, different titles? Perhaps.
But you know what they say, where there is smoke…
I guess he just can’t…well…resist.
Yeah, I also took it as having a new engine for future titles, spin-offs, stuff like that. Halo Infinite itself won’t have any change, if the rumor is true.
I feel like they’re on the verge of getting over the hump in terms of the tools maturing. I don’t see them giving up on the engine when they’ve come this far.
HOWEVER, if they ultimately believe that switching engines to UE is the best direction for supporting a sustainable live service model for the next 20 years of Halo … then I guess it’s plausible in that aspect.
Short term loss for a long term gain is basically the idea if they’re indeed changing engines but I personally can’t see them doing that.
If it’s a team decision then I don’t really see why some look at it as a negative.
Good read!
The one consistent area of irritation falls on the Slipspace Engine, however, which has become somewhat notorious in commentary surrounding Halo Infinite for its difficult implementation.
If they are indeed moving to UE5 for Halo as a whole then 343 can hire a lot more people that have UE knowledge. There are tons more people with knowledge of that than Slipspace, I think this could be a really good thing.
But we just need to see if it’s all true.
Switching will take years. Look at all the devs who switched from UE4 to 5 and even that took years. My guess is we will see this come to fruition next gen at the earliest, which would be fine.
If switching is what it takes then they gotta do it
and Unreal is not only an excellent engine but between the likes of Coalition and Ninja Theory, they have some of the absolute best devs in the world using UE, not to mention a half of their other studios using it also
Having so many devs use the same thing will only help
I think it impacts them in a negative wise short term wise.
I don’t really care at this point though, I’m with whatever helps health of the franchise. If UE is the answer, it is what it is.
If the switch does happen then its most probably only for TANAKA and the next gen Halo . Maybe the Endless too (doubt this one tho ) .
The article confirms most of what the community has been saying which can translate into “Fly like a duck, swim like a duck, quack like a duck”, their PR this whole time could end into a complete damage control meaning.
I can see whatever certainty affinity doing as a test ground if it is in unreal engine 5. If it is and it works they will go with it for the next game.
Even though infinites graphics were fine, for your flagship title I expect it to be gears of war level tbh. This is why they need more support studios.
Jez has his article up.
Seems like they’re switching to Unreal Engine 5. Some people blame Chris Lee while others blame Bonnie Ross but almost everyone has an issue with the SlipSpace Engine. The lead architect for the engine David Berger is also gone.
Here’s what they should do in my opinion -
Certain Affinity’s Halo Battle Royale definitely appears to be developed using Unreal Engine and they should continue this and try to target a Holiday 2024 release date.
Next, there needs to be a big separate team to transfer all the multi-player content that currently available to Unreal Engine and have it all ready by the Holiday 2024 release date. Since they don’t have a lot of content planned for what the multi-player currently is and seasons have been delayed by months and months, having a separate team transferring everything is the way to go.
Halo Endless. This has been rumored to be the next campaign expansion. This should be built from the ground up using Unreal Engine with it also targeting a Holiday 2024 release date. Right now, if this is what 343 are doing, they need to have three teams. One for Endless, one for releasing whatever content they can for the next two or so years and one for transferring the current and future content into Unreal Engine.
Doing all of this will allow the game to have a major and massive re-launch to where they could easily resurrect this franchise and multi-player. They stay with this for the rest of the generation. And then build a new campaign and multi-player for next generation. No more 10 year plan or any shit like that.
If next generation, the campaign and multi-player are excellent while making content is easier due to using Unreal Engine, then they can go with it being a platform but now, they simply need to cut their losses and move on.
With that all said, as someone who loved the Halo Infinite campaign (my 2021 game of the year), I am happy that they’ve moved on from Ross, Berger and seemingly, the Slip Space Engine. Changes needed to be made and I am someone at 44 who believes in working smarter, not harder so for those at 343, if switching to Unreal Engine makes their job easier because it allows them to create content easier, then by all means, they should be switching already.
After watching a fan made gameplay environmental trailer using UE 5, oh man, I am very excited for the future campaign expansion and beyond because there’s so much potential there that with Slip Space seemed to just be wasting away. With an actual studio of people who are not just talented but actually know what they’re doing, they could have something truly special in the future with the re-launch.
One other major aspect is the hiring process. Hiring contractors to work on Slip Space where they basically have to be trained and taught how to use the engine which also takes away people from doing what they should be doing in order to train the new hires is simply not efficient, a waste of time and accomplishes nothing. By the the time contractors learn the engine, their contracts are probably expiring so you’re basically hiring people just to be trained on a game engine that they’ll never work on. Simply, all of this is a waste of time.
Hiring people who know how to work using Unreal Engine will speed up the process and be far more efficient and consistent than what they’ve been right now.
Must admit that this potential switching to Unreal Engine has me very hyped, excited and looking forward to seeing what all the talent at 343 can do with it.
I don’t think the article is any sort of confirmation.
True but it does seem to be leaning that way. I do believe that the Battle Royale is using Unreal Engine and im hoping The Endless campaign expansion does as well. If they want to stay with Slip Space for the rest of the generation in regards to multi-player, that’s obviously up to them.
Regardless of what they do, as long as The Endless campaign expansion is being made in Unreal Engine, I will be personally very happy since im obviously not a co-op/multi-player gamer. I personally only care about the campaign expansion.
In general, 343 should do whatever is easier, better for the game itself and the future of the studio and the franchise. Endless could be similar to what The Coalition is doing before Gears 6. A smaller project to get used to and familiar with Unreal Engine 5. This way, they would already know a lot more going into next generation than they currently do with Slip Space.
" Hyperbole is the use of exaggeration as a rhetorical device or figure of speech. In rhetoric, it is also sometimes known as auxesis (literally ‘growth’). In poetry and oratory, it emphasizes, evokes strong feelings, and creates strong impressions. As a figure of speech, it is usually not meant to be taken literally"
As mentioned previously, this article is not really a confirmation, but a more souped up version of what has been saying the last few days IMO.