I don’t think we should hang on to the 10 years thing, it was sketchy at the time and that was before the mess we have today. The missions change
The decision to cut loses and prep for the future is the exact kind of decision I’d expect after getting new management in there. They can continue hobbling along upgrading Slipspace (because it looked out of date in 2021, imagine in 2028) or they can cut it off now and prep for the next 20 years of Halo.
I hear you, but I don’t want Infinite’s gameplay or foundation to be abandoned. It’s too good to just be supported for a couple of years and then halted in favour of a new game, which probably won’t feel as good, especially if it’s in a different engine.
I trust 343 to make the best decision and I always have, so I’ll reserve judgement until we get official word. But I personally support the idea of 10 years for Infinite with constantly updating multiplayer and 3 or 4 campaign launches in that time as part of Infinite.
Maybe a part of the team can keep supporting HI while another team works on a spin off or the next mainline game. Ten years, please no. Never been a fan of that since day one.
If they really are changing engine after everything they’ve gone through with the other engine and all the work they’ve put in, it would suggest that the engine is truly not worth it in the long term
and would make a lot of sense in regards to how unbearably slow the content roll out has been for Infinite
It the engine is truly that bad to use then they are better of changing sooner rather than later, I imagine if they are switching that they’ve also made some prototypes to see if they could pull of something that feels like Halo in Unreal
It also doesn’t mean Infinite support is just gonna stop, switching to Unreal and making future content is going to take years of work and they will still need to support Infinite for the next few years, it just won’t be the 10 year plan they thought it would
Yeah I don’t want to imagine that. Halo deserves more. I know there are people that won’t agree, but visually I don’t find HI all that amazing. Parts of it look great like the detailed enemy models, the lighting in some areas, the textures in some areas but when out in the nature the mountains and such just don’t look too hot.
It’s not even close to that very first trailer, sadly. Personally I definitely wouldn’t mind a new Halo in UE5 at all
This seems really odd, I’m glad it seems like they are recognising the development issues they had with Infinite and moving to rectify them and if this leads to a smoother development on the eventual “Halo 7” then that can only be a good thing - but what does this mean for Halo infinite? Is this only a plan for that eventual follow up or have they lost faith in it and are planning on moving on to a sequel sooner rather than later? I know there’s been a lot of doom and gloom on Infinite but I’m still confident they can turn things around. I mean, they sorta have to? I don’t think they can just abandon it and move on here.
You can make upgrades to an existing game with an existing engine across generations. Just look at Destiny 2 and all of the engine upgrades Bungie has been doing.
I think any future campaigns will likely leave last gen behind which allows for more advanced development.
Can Microsoft build a custom Unreal Engine. Coalition is working with Epic to improve UE. And havent they used custom tech in gears with UE? Microsoft loves Unreal and with UE5 I don’t think it is wrong to have Halo move to Unreal too because the slipstream engine is old right?
I do want Microsoft to have also an incredibly inhouse engine. They have the knowhow with The Coalition, Forza team and ofcourse id Software.
The issue it doesn’t have is gameplay and “game feel”. The issue with content production is more about not having enough staff for the f2p model. Not an engine issue.
Good luck getting Forge working in unreal lol.
I am approaching it under the assumption that the engine is a problem (they wouldn’t do it otherwise) and they will maintain the game play and feel (hopefully wouldn’t do it otherwise).
Exactly. The only major problem with Infinite is content production and elongated release timeframes.
The actual GAME itself is great and changing engines means that we risk losing that. Halo feel is very important and it’s why 343 carried over so much of Bungie’s old technology base.
Maybe Slipspace is not conducive to rapid content production and there’s problems there, but I would rather they figure out a solution and update the engine rather than just switch to Unreal and start all over again.
There’s way too much smoke regarding Slipspace/Engine/Development issues for it to be just not enough devs
It’s not like the only issue with infinite is content, the servers are a mess, the desync, players are getting booted out of LAN matches which I didn’t even think was something that was possible, among many other issues
As for looking pretty, it’s Xbox’s flagship game, graphics aren’t everything but I think it should be perfectly reasonable to expect more than what we got
All I’m saying is, Bungie famously had issues with their engine and content production all the way from pre-Destiny 1 to early Destiny 2, but now they’ve FIGURED IT OUT and their pipeline is the best it’s ever been.
343 will get there and I don’t believe a sudden shift to Unreal will fix anything. In fact, I think it’ll make things worse.
The way I read this, if true, is that it will switch to it for future iterations. Not that they are going to attempt to convert infinite to it.
And you can check the “10 year” game stuff at the door. That was never going to be true. Im also not going to sit here and pretend that if they did in fact switch that the feel of the game is at risk. These things are created by professionals and MS has one of the most skilled Unreal Engine studios in the business to assist.
Not to mention, the UR Engine, at least in the past, is highly customizable. Mortal Kombat 11 was visually stunning and it was using NRS heavily customized version of Unreal Engine 3.
I’m not saying it is happening, but if it is, there are reasons for it and I have faith that the people at 343 are skilled enough to figure it out.
I don’t understand how such a thing can be possible…like this doesn’t make any sense to me especially with Forge around the corner. Assuming that they’ll switch to Unreal for say their next campaign because changing the engine for multiplayer is something that I don’t think it’s possible right now how can this affect positively the lack of content for MP assuming Slipspace is part of the problem? I don’t get it.
And I am not even touching on the issue of what a switch to Unreal can mean for the general feel of the game (which is amazing right now).