Halo Switching Engine to Unreal?

Exactly. It needs to have more intensity than Spartan Assault had. It would be a perfect game for mobile/ cloud play too.

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My assumption is if your a journalist with a strong relation with Xbox and you don’t get a answer about what could be a huge story then it’s likely true.

Mainly because if it wasn’t true they’d come out and shut down the talk & telling you is raider than making a song and dance about it.

I don’t see the problem in switching for separate game modes, isn’t it the same for warzone.

He’s also conflicted because recent API updates for Tatanka has been spotted using Slipspace engine. And the fact that Max Hoberman recently mentioned in a VentureBeat article about making something new FOR Halo Infinite.


I’ve been having a crazy idea about this since I first read about it but the more I think about it the more I think it’s not that crazy.

If you take as a given that infinites release has been disastrous, and probably missed every goal the company likely set for it, (as far as player count and earnings go) there is a good chance the idea of infinite going for 10 years is out the window by now. So if they go with the 4-5 year release schedule most AAA games stick to, development for the next installment has already started.

My point is, maybe the leak about the ue wasn’t for infinite but for the next game, it’s very easy for someone hearing “unreal engine and halo” in the same sentence to come up with “halo infinite is changing to unreal”.


That sounds very strange. Its common for other stuff in software development (like compiler and build tools are separate from IDEs like Visual Studio or Rider). But there this stuff is at least somewhat standardised and designed to work that way. Unreal on the other hand has what? Plugins? So Slipspace is a plugin for Unreal?

The problem with this stuff is that people report about it with no background on software development. And the inner working of engines with millions of lines of code is one of the more complex stuff in (realtime) software development. No offense, but almost all people reporting on this have no idea what they are talking about. Thats why we get so many abstract takes where you can’t learn anything about this. At least to Jez credit he has tried out Unreal himself, that this is more than most of his journalist colleagues did is a sad state of affair in itself.


I genuinely think Jez meant to say that MCC uses Unreal engine for its UI, not Halo Infinite.


I can admit I don’t know much about actual development, but after reading that Reddit post it seems like it will be a mistake to move Halo to unreal. However, I won’t rule out spinoffs using unreal because we don’t know what type of game spinoffs will be. Anyways, I think there are positives with slipspace and I think the issue mainly had to do with management and contractors, so maybe Microsoft shold work with some support studios for the next mainline Halo game

Would be good for @Jez to clear this part up if he could. My first impression was same as yours Rafee, but then he said there are no tools for the game for UI which seems odd to be talking about MCC that way. Not sure though.

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I have sort of a theory on the engine switching debacle. First, I think like is well known now the game started work in UE4 but as with Gotham knights open world was a NO GO. Also, framerates would have been almost impossible to get to 60 or 120. My guess is they probably did finish a playable version in UE4 and in 2018 came up with the Slipspace engine to run the whole game at higher framerates. They probably had to make the hard choice of cutting 2/3rd of the game to get the 1/3rd on Slipspace at the expected date. Perhaps there was discussions on the other 2/3rd in UE4 be converted to UE5 to have the game ship quickly considering Slipspace still was a work in progress. The conversations of maybe releasing the remaining 2/3rd in UE5 as a DLC or another instalment is probably what has leaked making many think they might be switching engine. This are just my thoughts as new Linked profile suggest all Halo games from now into the future will be on the Slipspace engine.