Halo |OT2| Forging Ahead

I’m an old drunken Irishman. I’m no good at online games I only wish I was. It no fun getting smashed online at any game :frowning:

Firefight is a cooperative mode. Besides, Halo is still pretty fun when you’re not a good player.:sweat_smile: My K/D ratio is less than 1.


Even in co-op online modes you like to show off a certain level of skill and prowess which I simply lack more so when I’m on the Bushmills LOL

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Most of my old school gaming friends are now scattered across the country and most either have families now and/or have simply stopped gaming. So, I’m jealous. :smile:


Ah yeah, there’s a lot of that with us as well. It was in fact a going away party for a close friend moving out of the country where Xbox Live isn’t available (Central America).



If it’s not nominated next year, I’ll go on a strike.


2023 is the year 343 seriously cooked with this game.



I have to admit, I did laugh.





I did all of the challenges last week but I forgot about the very final ultimate challenge that pops up only after you’ve finished the rest.

So I missed out and man that FOMO feeling is just eating at me. Eating at my core. I’m living this day, this Tuesday December 26th, with regret.



So used to having Forge maps every couple of weeks in MM that it feels weird going without it.

Pleeeeeease more Squad Battle maps!!!

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Great news

Infinite is in a great place but the UI is absolutely horrid and one of the worst aspects of the game


Yep, , it’s so bad it almost discourages me from bothering with the customisation

It’s amazingly bad. And I’m not talking about the aesthetics of it, but how it works.

I hate being a backseat developer but I’m sure many within the company protested each of the bad decisions that went into it put the lead designer got their way at the end of the day. Clearly someone who’s never played a Live Service title.

Like the usage of the iconic “beep-beep-boop” countdown used to add an artificial wait time between you and a match. Wait times are long enough we don’t need another buffer just to hear a sound. Rather they should use that sound as a match is found and players are loading in. Play it as soon as it’s going to hit the load screen for the next match. This way when people take a break looking at their phone while they wait while matchmaking does its thing they get an audio cue for when to pay attention.

In other games I can start matchmaking and right away I could go to change skins, loadouts, customize my character or other aspects of the game. In this game when you start matchmaking you have to wait a few seconds before you could do anything else because of that stupid sound. I say stupid now but as a guy who has hosted Halo LAN parties for 20 years now it used to be a beloved sound to me. That’s how bad the design is. It took something so loved and made it something I despise.

Wow I ranted quite a bit on something’s pretty small but hey that just goes to show how bad the design is.


What’s worse, doing anything immediately after the sound ends still cancels the search, you have to wait additional couple of seconds before you can look up the challenges or switch to the customization menus.

The UI is tolerable once you learn it, sometimes you have to know a given option is there, otherwise looking for it is a nightmare.

Hopefully a thorough overhall is coming.

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