Halo |OT2| Forging Ahead

Are you guys sure its not PC player

EDIT: just saw the clip above…jesus

Anyone played Silent Cartographer Evolved? I’d pay $60 for the entire campaign, it’s so good.

Yeah I’m saying even without short triggers it’s fast for me so I can only imagine someone using the short throw.

My main gripe atm is ranking points. I seem to have got myself into a tight spot.

Every ranked game I win I get a measly 4 ranking points. It doesn’t matter if I play a team of all Diamonds, or mixed Play/Diamonds. 4 points. I am Diamond 1, usually Diamond 3/4. Onyx once or twice.

Then if I lose, I lose 10-12 points. Again, seemingly irrespective of my opponents.

The real kicker is, e.g. lost a game last night. Enemy player was Diamond 4, and was very, very good. I lost 12, they gained 12. If I’d won that match, guarantee I would have won 4 points only. But they got 12, and had played the game LOADS (their Spartan rank was in Diamond! Highest I’ve ever seen!). They were clearly not trapped in this weird spot I am.

Theory is the MMR ‘behind’ the CSR has me pegged very high, so the game expects me to win. But this isn’t fair. I play a fair bit of social too, and win probably more than I lose, but not always, and stomping on some scrubs in social (Squad Battle has some truly novice players…) shouldn’t affect my ranking calculations so much! It’s ludicrous that a few social games marks me at some Onyx level, whereas my actual CSR, and thus my opponents, are all Plat/Diamond.

It’s like telling someone their exam questions will come from one small pool of possibilities, and they study for it. Then in the exam they are given an entirely different question with no connection to the ones studied for.

I kinda have a hard time feeling sympathy with you for calling other players scrubs. Personally I only play social, and sometimes I’m good enough to score half the points for our team and sometimes I just can’t seem to hit a fly and likely would earn your contempt.

If your actual ranking matters enough to you, then I’d probably stop playing social if you think it’s making it assume you’re a higher rank than you think you are and mismatching you.

Heh, fair. I was being glib, apologies. Irrespective of who is playing what, it seems a bit odd to disproportionately (it feels) penalise players for doing well (but as I said, not especially well: I lose plenty in social too) in one area by punishing them, it seems, in another - especially when the terms of reference for the latter (CSR) seem to suggest something else should be happening…

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So yeah, the desync doesn’t feel like it’s gotten any better for me and it’s frustrating trying to play this game more often than not. Throw in the FPS issues on every map, that can get bad enough to give me a headache and I just have to wait for season 5, to see if these issues improve.

What platform are you on? I play at 60 on Series X and it barely ever drops, and never radically. I do have a Live chum who has SO MANY issues with the game though, it is like his version is cursed.

On Series X and the drop is very nociable for me because frame issues give me headaches.

In the 60fps mode the drops are the worst they can be, I have to play in 120fps mode and while it helps. It doesn’t completely erase the issues and vrr doesn’t seem to be helping like it does for Elden Ring.

That sucks. I don’t know what to suggest. I have the frame counter on and the biggest drop is to 58/9. I simply don’t get them, or certainly nowhere near as bad as you experience them.

Yeah, but this did give me an idea to see if Halo Infinite is just being weird because of my TV settings.

TV is set to 120hz, So I’m going to lower the refresh rate to 60hz and see if that helps, but vrr is going to be off for it though.


More believer.

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In the past week there have been YT videos from PC players, and non Halo players jumping into Halo and the reaction to those videos are positive.

I don’t know when PvE will hit in S5 or S6, but either way, 2024 will be a great year for Halo.


I think I may have found a solution to the FPS problem, so I set my Xbox to 60hz mode and put my fov up to 120. The game felt good, no drops beyond once during loading in, after changing back to 120hz mode the same seems to be happening. I think that Halo Infinite has issues with reading what refresh rate our tv is set to and changing it resets that issue, maybe. Big MAYBE.

All I know is no headache, so far, one may be building up slowly.


That makes me want a Halo platformer

I say this with all seriousness: This is why I want 343 to really consider jumping onto UE5… for all sorts of side projects.

Pump out a 2D Halo game in 6 to 8 months. Make a another Spartan Assault.

All the non-FPS games could be made on something like UE where you can hire contractors or just general game developers and they can hit the ground running in terms of development.

I want Xbox Game Studios and 343 to milk Halo like Nintendo does with Mario.

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Personally, I would rather they didn’t use UE at least not for the main line games. Most of the games at Gamescom to me looked as if they were all the same. Perhaps if they were making a variety of games, it would be nice to explore different engines for each.


So I’ve been doing some pvp in Halo Infinite and Halo 5 and the feel of both games is about the same now. With Halo 5 feeling just a little more floaty, I don’t know if this is the result of sever side changes to Halo 5 or Infinite.

It could be I just got used to Halo 5 again, but imo, I don’t play enough for that to be the case.

Is there a setting that makes your legs invisible in Halo Infinite? Because I can’t see my legs.