Halo |OT2| Forging Ahead

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Firefight is the last missing major piece of the Halo Multiplayer experience. Once that is released, then itā€™s really just adding more of the smaller stuff like game modes, weapons, equipment, vehicles, maps and improving the current features at a steady pace.

If the firefight releases in S5, then I think the game will be in a pretty good place by the end of this year.



I hope the next Halo release isnā€™t a reset. It seems faintly mad to build all this stuff then cut it away at the launch of a new game.



So now that Infection has been out a bitā€¦ Is it just me or is the mode a little to unbalanced? Like I get survivor victory rounds should be sparseā€¦ But manā€¦

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I personally think it boils down to level design as Iā€™ve noticed some maps are better for this than others.

I also think that thereā€™s too little ammo but I could be playing things wrong by not scavenging for ammo as often as I should be.

I had a really good YouTube video running in the background a few days ago so I unfortunately canā€™t credit this person but they mentioned that the user created Infection maps he played with his Discord crew were fantastic and it certainly looked like it in the video. They looked a little more linear and allowed Spartans to fall back and zombies to push forward.

This video also made a great point about why the Halo 3 8v8 playlist felt so good for vehicles, and thatā€™s because those maps had a ton of open space for vehicles to move around. The BTB maps in Infinite ultimately channel the ground vehicles into narrow pathways and donā€™t let them roam.

The video also pointed out what others have observed, that these Halo 3 remakes are incredibly fun because they werenā€™t designed for ultra-balanced competitive arena play.

Iā€™ll try to find the video later and post it here.

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Yeah I can subscribe to the general idea of the synopsis you just gave. Though some of the most ā€œfunā€ halo 3 maps bore or worse frustrate me going back and playing them in MCC. While others are fantastic. Some of it is obviously my current day taste in map design and what I want in a video game has changed.

I do fully subscribe to the idea that for map designs made by 343 lean to heavily on a competitive feel.

There is a nice middle ground for infinite that can be made. Case in point any war zone map in halo 5.

Though I will give credit to 343 and state the new maps they are adding Iā€™m liking alot more than the ones in the base game.

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The two surprising influences that led to the Halo theme

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What a miss in my opinion, they call it dragonborn bundle, and it would have been great if it was an actual Elder Scrolls related bundle.



Nice! Waterworks especially.

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Last week I started Halo 2 campaing on the Master Chief Collection and on the Series X the framerate is all over the place, is that normal? why is that? I also got a few crashes!


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I havenā€™t played it since just before Infinite launched, but the framerate wasnā€™t an issue then.

Even with 90% of the games just being laggy for me I have managed to complete the Bronze ranking tier and I am in silver now.

FYI the RSS feed for the You Had Me at Halo podcast is a few episodes behind.


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