Halo |OT2| Forging Ahead

I really hope they don’t make it a grind, leave that for the progression system they plan to add.

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Is it true we getting a dev made version of this in season 3? If not this should be in mm asap


Can definitely see the the added differences to allow for similar movement around the map as in Halo 5, will definitely be easier than trying to spring jump, hover to get over the wall from the first area shown.

Not sure if the opposite will be as easy as it was, but a 2 jump mastery to skip the hallway and flank won’t really be an issue for long.

Only thing that feels off is using a teleporter instead of a man cannon at the bottom, leading to the side with the weapons on display.

Yes, it is true that 343i will be releasing a Plaza remake on or during Season 3.


Any idea why my roofs are appearing so dark when building the lighting despite having the same texture and color as the floor and walls ?

Check your light probes and their spacing. If there are light probes that are completely dark, try adjusting the spacing until they aren’t.


Guys, today 2 unbelievable good maps have been released!

Oaxaca Station and Starboard.

Both are a blast to play and look amazing. Check them out if you can!

Also check out this amazing trailer for Starboard!


Starboard looks like a blast!


This is the type of remake we need. Classics updated to the new gameplay.


Land Grab and Attrition, Behemoth and Launch Site

Garbage modes, garbage maps, wish there was a filter to get rid of that garbage

Race playlist when? Also how long till Nintendo Nintendos?

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I don’t mind land grab, but they need to replace attrition with Breakout or Extermination. I would say extermination simply because it was the fan favorite version of Breakout, created by the community, and just like grif ball it deserves to be an official game type.

Also agree on launch site and somewhat on Behemoth, I think the main issue for me with them is vehicles in an arena setting. Launch site just get dumb, because a tank or a Wraith would spawn and whoever is at the lower side of the map will always get it.

I can’t stand land grab, it feels like a combo of Strongholds and KOTH but far worse than both but Iv never played those other mode, I’d happily give them a go over Attrition again

and you’re absolutely right about the vehicles, I still think the maps would be too big even without but the vehicles completely break them

I really hope that this game gets some connectivity improvements in season 3, because it’s still awful sometimes, heck it could be on my end for all I know. But somethings that happen in this game really make me wonder how they came up with such a bad network code after Halo 5.

Possibly F2P thing. It’s like the connectivity have to be “different,”

I’m hoping this is more a reflection of just how hot HaloIn was than the game being F2P. Because the connection issues are even cropping up in the menus and the store(yeah decided I wanted something, it couldn’t connect).