Halo |OT2| Forging Ahead

If true, all I know is Guardian had better be on that list




The second post was the leaker saying a forged image of narrows was real. Iā€™ve seen this leaker correct multiple times.

Revealed tomorrow and coming tomorrow are two very different things

Assume the former at best

Revealed tommorow, out Tuesday I think.

I have so far seen 0 discussion of this elsewhere, which doesnā€™t necessarily mean this is nothing but I think like if this was credible weā€™d be hearing a LOT more about it by now. I dunno, I know utilising Forge made maps could allow them to release content more often and this is a nice sounding opportunity to do so but their biggest problem has been the slow content roll out and thereā€™s still a lot of work to go before they overcome that, I donā€™t feel like weā€™re in a surprise map shadowdrop place right now. But hey, Iā€™d love to be wrong.

Itā€™s from Surasia, heā€™s a pretty reliable leaker for Halo. Either way, thereā€™s gonna be a Throwback Throwdown at HCS Orlando tomorrow, with prominent Halo 3 players playing. The HCS Twitter account teased a ā€œWorld Premiereā€ for it, and itā€™d make a lot of sense for that to be remade Halo 3 maps.

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I agree that it makes perfect sense to do it but much like him, my thinking is that considering how bad the content rollout for this game has been, im just doubtful they will have a bunch of maps just up and ready to go out of nowhere

If im wrong, awesome, im just not getting my hopes up :phil_lmao:

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Yep, confirmed! The Pitā€™s been remade in Infinite with Forge. Itā€™s still in-progress but weā€™ll be able to play it down the line.


Cool stuff!


Went from several maps being dropped in the next few days to The Pit sometime after forge launch

Never trust leakers

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The Pitt is looking good in Forge. Also thinking about it, it probably is a map that goes very well with Forge because it is a very angular map.


Big ouf.

Who are those leakers? I did not see a legitimate leaker saying the maps were being dropped in the next few days :face_with_monocle:

I think he is referencing back to my post where I said revealed today, out Tuesday.

That was me guessing, sorry I donā€™t clarify that.

There was an account of twitter saying that several maps were coming and then others were talking about shadow drops and other stuff

I kept my expectations low but I know others probably bought into it

Nah, its all good bro, I saw a few people talk about the same thing but I never expected it anyway so no worries

Iā€™m kind of disappointed that is all we are getting for halo 3ā€™s 15 year anniversary. 1 forge map that wonā€™t be released for 1.5 months.

No infection I presume for Halloween a year after release.

Our winter update is forge and 3 forge maps. Forge should have been ready a year ago.

The game will be 1.5 years old by the time it gets its 3rd dev tool made map. Which is far worse support than halo 3, reach, 4, and 5 had. And even worse than halo 2ā€™s. No firefight in sight, no service records in sight.

I donā€™t really understand whatā€™s going on. Is this because itā€™s free to play? 343 is bigger than they have ever been and they have multiple support studios.

Man I really want halo infinite to thrive and prosper. But if they donā€™t get content rolling out people will keep moving on. And it will be harder to bring them back. Less people playing will inevitably result in Microsoft reducing/pulling support.

I think the problem is they released an unfinished game and are trying to finish it while simultaneously adding content, making both things much slower than theyā€™d be otherwise.

I am hopeful that once the core features have been completed, content will come at a better pace.


Making games with hard. I would say that Microsoft are well aware of all of these issues and how the community is feeling. They are not oblivious to it. <3

The Pit is looking good, though I have to admit, I would have gone for a different aesthetic, personally.