Halo |OT| Master Chief's Breath of the Wild Moment (Part 1)

I wouldn’t like it, but I’m not one of those morons that will boycott the game and rage on twitter about it all day. Probably gonna go down that line honestly, probably will start off slowly though to ease people into it.

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Oh, you must’ve missed it, because I saw a lot of complaining about those DOOM skins. At least it’s not on the level of the Gears community.

“goofy cosmetics ruin immersion”

you can literally throw a grenade under a heavy ass vehicle, sit in it and it goes flying to space, and you can jump out and enter a wasp midway while falling down.


Wait you haven’t done that irl yet?

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The only thing Halo is supposed to immerse you is in fun, if it can achieve that the rest is just the rest.


They should make it so when you’re wearing a non-cannon armor and you sprint, your character does all sorts of crazy animations

Then we can shed these old school assholes forever…and I say this as a 45 year old lan party veteran


Nothing will ever be uglier than the Halo 5 armor sets so I’ll take a snowman over 99.999% of what Halo 5 gave us.


lmfaooo bungie stans will be perplexed when they realize this


To be fair nothing can be worse than whatever Gears does with their whacky skins. I dont mind them in halo or something like that but I cant stomach them in Gears.

I just don’t want fortnite style cosmetics in Halo. I can’t stand that style

I don’t see a big deal with Christmas skins. Warthog with deer skin and spartans with the hats. It is enjoyable.

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I like Wacky stuff, I like well done cosmetics even if their non-canon or whatever (I HATE the term canon). Make them as goofy as you can, if I don’t like it I won’t buy it, but the notion that it would ruin the experience lol, GTFO.

The only thing matters is the quality of the game. If the game is good and fun, do whatever you want.

Seeing Destin from IGN and others complain that there shouldn’t be a Halo Battle Royale mode pisses me off, it just reeks of entitlement. If you don’t want it, don’t play it. Let others who do want it have fun ffs. You can still play your arena, BTB etc. It’s not 1 or the other. And there’s no need to worry that a Halo BR could be really popular thus taking resources away from other modes…NO IT WON’T. MS can fund all of it. They can add more staff to keep up with the resources needed to pull it all off. As someone who prefers Bungies Halos at least the campaigns (Halo Infinites MP is on path to be my fav Halo multiplayer beating Bungie, it’s the campaign that’s a question mark) and so the whole sprint thing annoys me as well. Who cares really ? Like who cares if it’s in or out as long as the game is fun ? Which it is.

I want all of the cosmetics. I want a Samuel Jackson AI next to a sgt Johnson AI, I want all kinds of wacky AIs. I could care less about canon cosmetics.Do whatever you need to make Halo as popular as anything else out there. Put in popular cosmetics aimed at children, I won’t like it but I’ll understand. I’m not gonna be upset about it lol if it adds enjoyment to someone else.

I think 343 has something special with this multiplayer (knock on wood, don’t wanna jinx it). So they should do a BR mode eventually, but not doing it for the sake of doing it but because it fits perfectly within the game and absolutely should not care about what people think. It will be so popular that those complaints will die out. Halo is a 10 year live service game so they’re going to add major game modes down the line. That’s why assassinations aren’t in day 1. They will be added later and you will have to pay for them. I’m also fine with that. They don’t owe us anything. Like I said, as long as the MP is quality and fun, which it is in spades, I’m fine with everything. People will vote with their wallet. And I’m gonna be spending so much money.

This, sign me up for the snowman helmet. One of those also looks a little falloutish. Could be cool. There was like 2 armor sets that stood out to me in Halo 5. There’s only so many styles you can come up with if you stick to trying to keep it in “universe”. There’s an announcer that shouts no scope ffs.


Want to talk Multiplayer only leaks? Post in here please. Understandably some do not want to know anything about the game so refrain from posting leaks on the official Halo thread.


I know this is saying a lot, but from 15:30 to 24:00, this just might be the greatest bit of Halo music ever recorded


Really glad to see they are making fun of all that :joy:

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Track 7 is also very good as well.

The game already runs incredibly well on consoles, it’s going to be a dream at launch.

This OST is already fire…I love that post-rock vibe ! Like yeah, bring me down there and up and down…Did anyone say eargasm ? :smirk:

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