Halo |OT| Master Chief's Breath of the Wild Moment (Part 1)

me every 5 seconds

Yeah I hope for some kind of handcannon, like Destiny has. I still find it difficult to hit with the mangler since its spikes fall of very quickly. But if you hit itā€™s very satisfying.

Overall Iā€™m surprised how great and distinct every gun feels to play. This is very hard to nail and even past Halo games always had some ā€œuselessā€ weapons no one wanted to use.

Ok I got a challenge, Complete Free for all Matches but I canā€™t find a playlist for that?!

XboxEra literally first name top left. Crazy :partying_face: :eyes:


You know whoā€™s not there?


see ya goodbye GIF by WWE



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Play in HDR10 if you havent already. Dolby Vision isnā€™t working correctly rn

The only real annoying thing Ive found in the game is absolutely the phantom and their turrets on the side. Jesus christ those things just ruin your day.

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thatā€™s why 343 gave them the most horrifying way to go out when you blow them up - they just disappear into thin air. :wink:

Weā€™ve all read peopleā€™s criticisms of how the free to play model has affected the way you unlock armour and cosmetics - hugely overblown, in my opinion - but I think thereā€™s a more important discussion to be had about how free to play affects gameplay: namely, quitters and smurf accounts.

People leaving the game early is a gigantic problem in Halo Infinite. Ranked matches are treated as completely throwaway and meaningless by a massive amount of people (I mean, they are meaningless in the grand scheme of things, but you get my point!) and as soon as just one player quits, the game becomes utterly one-sided and is pointless to continue. I actually think thatā€™s the only time itā€™s justifiable to leave the match - when someone else already has. Itā€™s a problem though - when you can set up another account and start the whole thing from scratch for free, it renders league matches completely disposable.

For a while, I was baffled by how many players were still completing their placement matches and had yet to be ranked. Even now, Iā€™d say around half of the players I encounter in ranked matches have yet to be placed in a league. I expect a lot of these players are probably genuinely new, and yet many of them seem to be really, really skilled at ranked play, despite having apparently played only three or four matches, ever. In a Blizzard game like Starcraft 2 (using this example because I experienced it firsthand) the only way for a player to make a smurf account was to buy a whole new copy of the game. In a free to play Halo Infinite type game, whatā€™s to stop people creating a new account over and over and over to trounce less skilled players?

Holy crap Escharum is hard on Legendary.:confounded::dizzy_face:

On a side note, I think I found a bug while fighting him. I continuously meleeā€™d him to death once he pulled out his hammer.

In the last ranked match I played (another match where a teammate left almost immediately - the fourth or fifth time itā€™s happened tonight) a player on my team mentioned he thinks it might also have something to do with challenges, that if a player gets a game mode where itā€™s impossible to complete a certain challenge heā€™s chasing, heā€™ll just quit. I sincerely hope this isnā€™t actually a thing. I still donā€™t completely understand what the challenges are or why people are doing them. They help you level up faster or something? Who cares? I completely ignore them and Iā€™m level 58.

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Then you dont completely ignored them :joy:

Ha, I donā€™t mean I actively try to avoid them popping. :slight_smile: I just play Halo and sometimes bars go up and things unlock and Iā€™m like, shrug, OK then!

Does this mean the Fracture Event will be able to be done in less than 3 weeks ?


So I take an hour or soā€™s break after getting fed up with constant 3v4 games. Pick my controller back up for another go, and the very first match I play, teammate leaves about half a minute in. Iā€™m getting really sick of this now. How is no one talking about this? Was ranked play like this in previous Halos?

Swat is incredible


The thing I miss the most from previous Halo games is the french fry pistol skin from Halo 5.