Halo |OT| Master Chief's Breath of the Wild Moment (Part 1)

Campaign ruined my multiplayer skills. Forgot changing settings worked across both so now my aiming sucks :cry:

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Ngnl my reaction time a bit down :skull:

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All these new playlist for social :frowning: nothing new for ranked yet.

So sad lol. Hopefully they donā€™t wait too long to put I. Ranked slayer. Also is FFA 8 players? Feel like it should only be 4-6 players with how small these maps are.

Man, these changes have made it a breeze to get through challenges. Also like how the cumulative score ones burn down faster based on performance.

The Personal Score challenges are GREAT.

Always working towards something on those even if I canā€™t do the other challenges.

Dedicated Fiesta, Team Slayer, SWAT playlists with new Score based challenges.

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Damn I love the dynamic between these 2

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Question: I think Iā€™m getting close to the end, but once I do end, can I backtrack the areas to collect collectibles or will the game end and I have to start over?

After the end credits I have returned to the world a d can still do stuff.

I need to start up a third playthrough tomorrow

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Just completed the game on Legendary. This game is incredible, I really canā€™t say much more then what other have said already. Itā€™s amazing.


Just finished a 2nd one

Man I wish there was a Wasp variant, with a speed boost, an extra weapon, or at least more health.

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A Bumblebee

Who do you all think about Forge being most likely cross-gen? I mean thatā€™d really suck, it will limit the possibilities that you can do with it. I hope that itā€™s somehow exclusive Xbox Series and PC.

No, I want the same Wasp!

It will likely follow whatever Halo Infiniteā€™s MP roadmap of platform support is. As in, dropping crossgen support for multiplayer eventually few years down the line would mean removing crossgen support for Forge as well.

Some of the campaign cosmetic unlocks are cool, but I wish they would give anyone who finishes the campaign an incredible looking armor thatā€™s exclusive to campaign. I mean that would be psuedo mtx, it will make some buy or subscribe to Game Pass to play and finish it for that armor. Itā€™ll make a lot of people happy and make them money along the way :slight_smile:

so wait, thereā€™s no armor you get from campaign spartan lockers?

Iā€™ve only unlocked coatings for the base armor core and some weapons. Some charms and nameplates as well.