I played some more at lunch, and man I love playing this game. It is funny how different players are I guess because at least in the matches that I played against the Spartan bots in particular our teams were having all types of problems, and I don’t think that I was dragging us down bad enough with my lack of skills for that Regardless I will absolutely play the heck out of this in multiplayer (not likely ranked play) and particularly with custom games with friends and family where I will probably fare better. Although I do like the weapons tests and addition of bots to help people like me improve my old guy skills some hopefully
Did they say if the Bot slayer mode will stay as a mode for launch ?
Survey is up got a email
Couldn’t this just be a form of firefight?
Maybe, but it could be a great way for new players to learn about the maps, weapons and stuff.
I was away most of the weekend seeing the sites, but I was able to get in a few games today. I think it’s a lot of fun, bots kicked my butt. I suck at shooters nowadays, but I’d love to hop in with a group of humans and play from time to time. Looking forward to more flighting or the full release!
It is great to see that most of the bugs/ common issues have already been adressed !
Yeah, but it will probably be the only flight for a long time. It means that maybe there will be one next month if we’re lucky and one prior to launch.
I want to see more. :craig:
The tech preview was a lot of fun. And one thing is for sure the graphics look great, they totally nailed it and gameplay is fun as hell.
Looking forward to more tech previews for this.
will be part of the academy for sure.
Damn, I didn’t get one yet. Make sure to tell them we want the option to disable outlines for enemies entirely and that they make the commando a little bit more powerful!
I did mention the outlines
343 managed to scale this game down all the way to the Xbox One??? Almost as if thats what the GDK was meant to do.
Also that they were making the new engine before series consoles were even thought of
Weird I thought Halo was a dead game
Funny enough it’s higher end PCs that are struggling, the engine must’ve been built with a lot of toggles and sliders to customize how it runs/looks. The 30fps move was smart, I know it sucks for those on the older consoles but what can you really expect, gives people a good reason to upgrade while still allowing them to play the game.
How do you configure trends in Twitter? I get general news and all the tweets are get for some odd reason related to Playstation and manga.
I haven’t done anything it’s just what shows up for me on my trending bit with news about covid and other stuff.
I think it is region specific.
I see. Instead of Halo I get olympics and covid pfff