Grubb (SPECULATION) - Microsoft could remaster all major Microsoft Franchises, including Gears and Fallout

Throw in the Kinect Fable game, but have it use the controller instead and that would be a great collection.

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Ever since Fable was announced to be coming back in 2020 Iā€™ve been hoping for a remake of the first game since Playgroundā€™s Fable likely wonā€™t come out until late 2023 or early 2024, also a Fallout: New vegas remake makes sense imo because the franchise wonā€™t be getting another game any time soon, not with Bethesdaā€™s main team working on Starfield and then ES6 which probably wonā€™t come out 4 years after Starfieldā€¦ we could very well not be looking at a new Fallout until 2030ā€¦ and Iā€™m not sure Microsoft will want to sit on such a big IP for so long, a remake to the beloved Fallout: New Vegas in the meantime makes a lot of sense to me.

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Oh, I forgot that one. If they can do that, Iā€™m down for it.

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