Goldeneye 007 Remastered coming to Xbox and Game Pass (Achievements, 4K, Split-screen)

Even this looks quite bad in 2022, the original 64 version will look dreadful.

To see things easily, both Nintendo Switch and Xbox are getting the N64 game, same as is, but NSO has a feature to allow online multiplayer play, it doesn’t give the game itself an online function, the function is through the NSO N64 emulator, they’ve done it for other N64 games as well.

If anyone doubts Xbox wouldn’t want to add online multiplayer they are actually weird. They would have 100% wanted to include an online multiplayer if they could.

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Basically, I bet the agreement was original ROM or nothing. That’s the power play. So what has been delivered is the usual NSO game, minor up scaling included, and the emulated online multiplayer (which uses terrible sync net code, BTW, no idea how this is going to work. It literally slows audio down and up to match frame times!

Instead we get a smooth 4k version. It has no multiplayer which is a pisser. But Nintendo want it on their sub service, and its either this or nothing…

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I see no reason to believe that Microsoft would not want to make good Goldeneye remaster.

They showed time and time again that they are doing good job with remasters of all these games and I am sure there are folks out there - even in Rare - who would like to have a proper Goldeneye remaster.

So this half backed remaster is 100% license or Nintendo related issue.



Pretty much what I was saying


Because it is possibly the xbox 360 cancelled version rather than a brand new version, running with enhancements as seen on other titles.

No, I get that. I just find it strange that Nintendo is getting a ROM (essentially), while Xbox is adding dual analogue stick support, native 16:9 resolution up to 4K and improved framerate.

I’m just curious if this is a native port on Xbox or is the game being run through an emulator, with the emulator handling the additional features.

possibly the 360 emulator.

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In the official press release it was mentioned that Xbox version is a recreated game, not N64 version.

That sounds like it’s referring to how the X360 games are repackaged with the Emulator Bits wrapping the game to be playable on Xbox One and Xbox Series consoles.

In press release

If we also take that comment from Hoeg’s video as truth, then Rare might have indeed recreated the game considering them owning the rights on level design and other stuff.

I know what the press release states, but maybe those aspect could entirely fall within the X360 emulator portion?

No idea, but this situation with Goldeneye is fascinating.

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It’s most likely just a port of the N64 game.

It sucks for the Switch folks that they cannot buy the game outright like those on Xbox. Subscription exclusives are terrible.

It’s not a port, it’s a rom being emulated straight up on the switch. the “online mp” is baked into that emulator and just tricks the games into thinking online people are local. It’s going to be splitscreen for everyone even though it’s online.

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I meant the Xbox version which posts above were speculating about.

And yep I realize that’s how NSO N64 games work, it’s an emulator thing.

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Ah now I’m excited again, shame about online but atleast we get the remastered single player.

Hopefully if it’s a different version they can introduce online either natively or like Nintendo have with emulator spoofing at a later time.