Ghost of Tsushima DLC has a $10 upgrade on PS5 locking next-gen features behind a paywall

I agree with that, it is sad to see people thinking that because something is more affordable for more people, it means it is less quality.

You never have to make this choice because Game Pass/PlayStation Now are entirely optional and have never taken the option of buying from the consumer.

We’ll see how this logic holds up in the coming years when Xbox first party turns it up to 11. In a few years, it’ll be having to pay $70 for a 9/10 exclusive on the PlayStation side, and having the option of subscribing for $10 a month for many 9/10 exclusives on the Xbox side. The value proposition would be on Xbox’s side and the quality argument would no longer ring true because both sides would have quality.


I agree with this but it only works if you have millions of PlayStation fans all saying it at the same time which is highly unlikely to happen. A few hundred or thousand people complaining isn’t going to change Sony’s mind.

$70 games don’t bother me at all. In fact, I was expecting publishers to jump to $80. I paid $80 for Chrono Trigger in 1995 for Super Nintendo. I’m not going to complain about a $70 game now 25 years later when they cost hundreds of millions of dollars to develop compared to the thousands of dollars back then.

To each their own.

That’s why I said “if I had to choose”.

The 9/10 exclusives on the Xbox side all remains to be seen. At least for me. I played and completed Gears Tactics and I see it as inferior to Mutant Year Zero and Kingdom Battle. For a $10 monthly rental, great game but if I had to spend $60 on that game, I would have been pissed off.

With that said, I hope the vast majority of Microsoft’s exclusives that I want to play give me 9/10+ games. I will be very happy. But until that happens, it’s all a wait and see for me.

I own Ghosts of Tsushima and a PS5. I will not be paying for any upgrade. Same goes for all the other Sony exclusives. I will be speaking with my wallet on this So hopefully most gamers are like me and just ignore this money grab from Sony.



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God I remember catching heat for writing an article on XboxEra about Smart Delivery being more than a marketing term for cross-gen.

The vindication feels good. Smart Delivery is a godsend.


Iki Island expansion story trailer -

Day freaking one for me!!! Wish it was standalone though so I wouldn’t have to replay the base game but I also wonder if the abilities and skills you get in the base game carry over into the expansion or it’s separated. Will have to wait and see how that works but either way, very much looking forward to playing Iki Island from what was my 2020 game of the year!!! Let’s go baby!!! Whooo!!! :joy:


I hate it when they do that. Same thing happened to me with Control and its DLC. Out of curiosity, did you lose your save or is it not compatible? I haven’t kept up. For me it was switching between platforms but that obviously doesn’t apply here :stuck_out_tongue:

I didn’t lose my save. I deleted everything when I traded in the PS4 Pro back in October. If I knew there was an expansion coming, I would have saved it to a flash drive.

I know some people don’t like when companies reveal their post launch content plans but I actually prefer that because I want to know what’s coming even if it’s a year later like it is for Tsushima because this way, I can already know if im going all in and if so, I can make sure I save my game progress so im ready for the post launch content down the line.

I own Tsushima digitally for PS4 and will just upgrade it to the PS5 DC version for $30. Standalone would have cost the same or close to it so in that regard, no difference but at least I could have just jumped right in.

No automatic cloud save system to restore from?

Oof, that’s rough buddy. I agree with you about wanting to know a timeline of content, I like to know what I’m in for, even if it’s subject to change. That’s actually the reason I decided to hold off on the Doom Eternal DLC, figured I may as well wait for the next-gen patch. Of course now I’ve completely forgotten how to play :laughing:

IIRC you need a PS+ subscription which is 60 USD a year (though I’ve seen it online for like $30)

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The only positive for me is that I love Tsushima and it was my 3rd best game of the PS4/XBO generation so at least im going to be replaying an excellent game.

And yeah, I love seeing post launch roadmaps.

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I got massively bored of this game by the 2nd island. Had to speed run and force myself through Story…which wasn’t that great either. The game looked beautiful but the story along with how the quests were structured, combat and collectables were very monotonous and uninspired. It felt like an open world game that should have been more focused and had a bit more variety. First Island was great and i tried to do as much as I can but a lot of the stuff got derivative and by the 2nd Island I just speed ran the Story.

I stopped playing and flipped the game to the store via trade in once I got to the second island. Felt like I already did everything was going to offer me in the first 25 hours on Island one and it was just boring and tedious to defog the island. I hate running around like a headless chicken not knowing where things are on the map.

At first it was fine. I like how the world was. Very unique. But the combat never evolved for me the way I wanted it to and I could only so many “follow foxes” and do the same base infiltrations and duels. The Stealth is also awful in this game.

I can understand why so many love it. But theres a reason its in the lower 80’s for MC. It had some fundamental flaws in its pacing and structure to be anywhere near the level of a Red Dead 2 or BOTW.