Gamescom 2021 Xbox Stream officialy announced

Fps boost summoning circle for the second day in a row


Is this your first Gamescom? They’ve never been analogous to E3, so I don’t know what you were expecting… and honestly, considering they even bothered to show up when others have been completely absent this year, I don’t understand the constant negativity…


I dont want to offend anyone but I think a big part of the negative response to the show and its format is an age thing. Young folk today just want the latest reveal/exclusive and then they want the next one and the next one and the next one and the…

At my age I quite like a sit down and lets chat about games as we show them approach.

Did every single thing they showed last night appeal to me? No, but it would be pretty bonkers if they did, lol


At first I wanted to say that GC is like a stage show thingy, but then I realized the last time GC for Xbox was like that years ago with…Recore I think?

Microsoft repeated numerous times what the show was going to be about. If the content wasnt to your liking thats another thing but they were absolutely up front about what it involved and those can be true.

I think people weirdly expected another E3 blowout for some reason.

I had no expectations. I just thought it was a mediocre show in terms of pacing but I’m in agreement that I don’t see why social media was in an uproar. Gamescom events have always been tame for the most part.

Weirdly excited for Saint Row’s, have a soft spot for that franchise


I can’t wait to see what’s next. Whether it’s a reboot or a sequel, I don’t mind. I honesty would prefer they go back to the start and fill the void left by GTA.

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Man I remember playing the demo of the first one on 360 and that was in co-op and not only did it look damn good, it was also filling the GTA void because IV was nowhere in sight back then.

If they stick with the crazy, over the top stuff I’m not gonna bother. I think they probably will because wasn’t that successful for them?

I’m just contemplating whether to even watch ONL knowing we already got to know the release date for Halo lol. Cuz I know 343 ain’t showing anything significant at this show tonight (even though really hoping they do show BTB and announce flight date), and yesterday’s was a nice bamboozle lol. It’s gonna be late at night and I really don’t wanna slog through 90 minutes+ to get to information that already leaked. :tired_face:

Yeah, they found wild success with Saints Row 3. Properly because of it, being different enough and reviewing very well

I’m incredibly excited for Saints Row, love that series and it’s been 6 years since the last new game.

Also excited for Lego Star Wars Skywalker Saga to finally re-emerge. Hopefully it looks awesome and we get a date.


Oooooh good one, could definitely be here, just like Gotham Knights.

They will probably show CGI so I am not really that excited.

Normally I’d agree, but in this case, even a CG trailer could provide a lot of interesting information about the tone and story direction that they’re going with.

Jesus. You’d think that Microsoft believed that FH5 was their biggest game coming out this year.

I literally stopped caring about Halo Infinite info and just resigned myself to the fact that it’s coming when it’s coming. I haven’t had a case of the blue balls this bad since high school.

Can’t wait to see Saints Row. Curious what direction the game will take.

I think teasing it with graffiti implies it’s going back to being about gangs and stuff instead of wacky aliens and demons. I kinda hope IV and Gat Out of Hell are retconned into being movies in-universe or something. They’re good games but they took the wackiness too far.

The new Saint Row game will have the main protagonist waking from a comer, which will explain why 3 & 4 where crazy games. Once the game starts, your out of the hospital and gang banging all over again.

I hope that they don’t downgrade the character creator. Saints Row 3 has one of the best CC i’ve ever seen.

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