Gamescom 2021 Xbox Stream officialy announced

Looked like a CoD campaign trailer to me, but since it’s Remedy i keep hoping it’s more than that, with their own touch on it.

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Gonna go out on a limb and guess you have never heard of Crossfire before this game. It has had ~1 billion ppl play it as of 2020. It isn’t big in the West (yet) but the IP is one of the biggest in gaming history believe it or not.

Seems odd to judge something when we haven’t even really seen it, but ok.

I was speaking about western reception and I also said that I hope MS will market decently the game in asian markets.

There is no reason to worry about commercial reception when the IP is that huge.

We’ll see, I’m always worried when I see zero marketing from Xbox as usual.

I genuinely wonder if something else is happening, like someone else buying Remedy or something. It just seems so weird. Also note that CrossfireX’s single player mode isn’t on Game Pass (unless that changed since last year). Very weird.

Remedy doesn’t make any call for this game, it’s on Smilegate and MS, I won’t read much into it.

Being a f2p it could make sense no GP from Smilegate standpoint, we’ll see if MS will cut a deal for the campaign.

Right, but it makes zero sense for MS to not promote the game given the IP and dev team behind it. The deal is already cut for the campaign (it is Xbox only, just not Game Pass). If they wanna make a splash with the game, Gamescom is the perfect place for that so if it ain’t there that would be super weird. Hopefully it shows up.

I hope the same, but, considering usual Xbox lacking marketing, I won’t read hidden acquisition news into it and/or other strange stuff. The game was delayed, marketing is on par with usual B tier stuff (from MS standpoint): zero.

But if back in April the finishing touches were being applied…you’d think this game will easily drop this year. It actually should have been at E3 even, if not at GC…then wtf!

Then hopefully a proper update from Remedy soon. I mean if it’s done…release it!

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If Crossfire isn’t at Gamescom, it’s not this year.

Same with Scorn and Gunk.

Simple fact.

It’s huge, but only in Korea or China. It’s not huge in the Western markets, like Europe or USA. Almost not known or even recognizable.

If they don’t show us some Halo Infinite campaign, I am going to start getting suspicious that they are not confident in it.


Remedy literally says in that blurb it is coming in 2021. And they are saying that to investors too. :slight_smile:

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Yeah, with that in mind…it HAS to come this year.

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Hoping they go big with it at Gamescom. Show off single player and then announce it is coming September. Would be a cool surprise to have in the show.

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I said that earlier. In my opinion Smilegate should slip CrossfireX for Spring 2022, because of this year’s domination by Call of Duty (even if Vanguard will be crap this year, it’ll sold millions anyway), Battlefield and even Halo Infinite, and releasing this a few months later would be much safer for them. If they want to have some more than of 5 minutes interest and not being hidden in shadows by much bigger franchises. It’ll be much calmer part of year for FPS releases.

Especially that CrossFire franchise isn’t so recognizable outside of Republic of Korea and People’s Republic of China. Wouldn’t be surprised as well if only Remedy’s campaign for CrossfireX will be the only thing that will interest the most of people around this game. Last year’s trailer was quite intriguing and encouraging to play.

The showcase is on the same day as the next Flight Sim World Update, so I expect a new trailer for this + maybe the Top Gun stuff

Honestly wouldn’t expect anything from campaign especially after all the leaks. Think they showed enough already and will instead break down what’s with forge and hopefully a server browser is included

Do people really want 343 to waste precious time building a NEW campaign demo from the new assets that could take a least a month or more away from polishing and readying the game for launch?

Building public gameplay demos takes a lot of time and resources away from actually polishing and finishing the game.

Let it go!

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