Games Analysis |OT| Time To Argue About Pixels And Frames!


Cyberpunk…you are our last hope :rofl:

There will be several third party games out before Cyberpunk.

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LOL, Here is what going to happen. XSX will have higher resolution and faster load time basically better XOX Version because it will run in BC mode

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Maybe the explanation simply isn’t good enough being pure hearsay and conjecture. This is why an official response would be welcome. Until then, stifling honest concern is a bad look.

Yeah guys, don’t forget that in December we will be getting the BC version of Cyberpunk. The optimized version is due to next year.

This reminds me of Ryse.

A glorious looking game which, before release, was universally praised on a certain forum.

Then, the news broke out that the game visuals were ‘only’ 900p, and suddenly it was crap, unplayable, ‘that would make my eyes hurt!’, ‘disgraceful’, etc etc. That was 7 years ago and sadly, not much has changed since then for some gamers.

For some, playing games isn’t enough, having fun from playing games isn’t enough - its also become about knowing that your box displays more pixels compared to the pixels displayed by the ‘other’ box, when your character walks into the same room in the same game. And - most importantly - is about letting the ‘other guy’ know about that.

I’ve got to say, if I had that mind-set while playing on my Acorn Electron, or Atari ST, or even Xbox One, I’d ended up in mental hospital long before now.

DF do wonderful content, I find their videos informative and fascinating, but, they do (unwittingly) supply ammo to console warriors. For them, just playing games isn’t enough.

Oh, I enjoyed Ryse. Disappointed that we never got a sequel.

there is two games left Fifa 21 and The other cartoony open world game Ubi

The next gen patch isn’t coming out till some time next year. Unless we wanted to compare how the Series X and PS5 handle the Xbox One and PS4 versions, respectively.

I LOVED Ryse’s MP.

Reminder that if you choose to engage in this discussion, do not make it personal. Also please do not take the performance of things personal. Do not bring in outside drama. Try not to get frustrated with someone because they focus on different things. Once you’ve made your points, please don’t spam and make it over and over. If people are ignoring this, continue to report and mods will handle. I hope that we can keep this civil without bans but will do what is necessary to keep this forum a place people can come without unnecessary drama.

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Tools aren’t the only issue though you forget the devs have to optimize for two xbox consoles too much work for the xbox version

Sometimes I question whether these games are actually just running in back compact mode with just the frame rate cap uplifted and resolution lol.

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They come out in 2 weeks lol

Yeah that’s a good point. It mirrors what Jason Schrier said about developers being unhappy about the Series S.

The truth is its probably not just one thing. There’s a lot of challenges developing for 7 platforms in this environment. Right now, devs are performing just a little better on one platform in this environment. That could be the fact they don’t have as many consoles to target, tools, more time, prioritization, etc.

My question is whether the devs will patch the Series X versions. Appears to be issues beyond normal performance deltas.

I believe what some want is for series X to take an L here…

That said, if someone really want to do apples to apples here for comparisons sake then yes software on series X is behind in performance. And i dont think anyone is denying that.

But if all you want to do is concern trolling, then this is not the platform to do so. And why concern trolling should not be done in this forum? Because people here already know what’s happening, so repeating stuff again and again doesn’t make sense anymore.

If anyone has concern, they should approach MS or game devs for this.

Lets shake hands and come to some kind of conclusion here. Arguing on something which is only going to get clear with time in coming months is pointless.

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I mean, you’re essentially asking for this thread to not exist.


And Xbox One was still my first next gen console, I just preferred the ecosystem, the controller, all my buddies there. I like everyone else “coped” with plenty of 720p games and each time news appeared that PS4 was 1080p…i wasn’t exactly happy.

Things absolutely should be fine sometime next year. No way this nonsense will persist. No way MS isn’t aware of this, they probably knew while launching the system that this was going to happen. They didn’t go through all that with AMD to end up as inferior.

Thread should exsits

But Asking same thing again and again is pointless.

Thread has become repetitive with people arguing on stuff they don’t believe in.

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